wizaerd's Forum Posts

  • Remember, the first time through it works, the next time through it does not. It's not covered in the manual, nor could I find a tutorial specific to this issue.

    I don't think it's a logic thing because if it were, it would most likely not work the first time. Granted, I don't really need to do this via a file (an embedded project file) and the AJAX object, but I thought it'd be an interesting exercise.

    Can anyone offer a suggestion as to why it works once, and only once unless I completey reload the browser?

    1st layout - loads the project text file via AJAX displays it into the text object. Got to level 2, play the game. In the event the character dies, go to layout 3. Press R to restart, go to 1st layout, project file does not get loaded, and no error reported by the AJAx object.

  • Since I haven't received any answers I've posted screen shots of the two event sheets in question...



  • I have a small issue with the game I'm working on. There are three layouts, the first upon startup loads a project text file via AJAX and loads the text into a Text object. Press a key, goes to the next layout. The player dies, it goes to the third layout (GAME OVER) and if the player presses R it should go back to the very first layout. Upon eturn to that first layout, it doesn't seem to get the text from the porject file and put it into the text object...

    Any ideas?

  • I bought spriter, still haven'y installed or used it yet... I suppose I should get around to that someday... :)

  • Is there something special I need to do to install this? I created a directory in my exporters/htmls/plugins folder called LiteTween then copied the appropriate scripts to that directory and tried to load the example but it tells me it's not installed. I've verified the directory does indeed exist...

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  • Error 404 on the Demo link...

  • I'd like to be able to either export my event sheet to a plain text document for review outside of C2, or perhaps a way to print it. Again, it'd be useful for making notes to myself and reviewing the overall flow without having to be in C2...

  • Except when I go to the link, it says it requires FireFox 22. and not supported in the most current version of Chrome.

  • I'm sorry but comparing art (charcoal v.s. ink v.s. oils) to a development platform or runtime environment for software is a ludicrous analogy. Does the paper or the canvas limit the number of charcoal strokes you can use versus oil strokes? Does the frame you hang your art in to display it limit it to only being compatible with watercolors and not oils? Is a viewer not able to view your artwork if it's in inks but not in charcoal?No. Not only is this like comparing apples to oranges, but it's comparing apples to buildings. Vast differences.

  • I imagine the same way you'd do anything that involved multiple instances... Use the condition and select a specific door by it's UID...

  • Would Moveto also move a character or enemy object if they were on the platform? If so, perhaps that would be better...

  • Never mind I figured it out. The unfortunate aspect is the platforms have to be equidistant apart, and place the sine object exactly in the middle of the two platforms...

  • I want to create a vertically moving platform, and I'm using the Sine behaviour on it. When I place the object in the layout, is the expectation that it is the middle point of the sine? I'm trying to determine where to best place it so that it lines up at the top of the wave and the bottom of the wave with appropriate postions.

  • On the one hand, I like the concept of HTML5 games, but there will always be the browser wars that interfere with one consistent platform. I had wanted to make a game for my friends and family relating a family tale while playing. it was a great idea, and it was running great in Chrome. I didn;t test it in IE or FireFox because who uses those crummy browsers, right? Turns out most of my family did, and the game had horrible performance and lags. True, it's purely my fault for not testing in those browsers, but it's such a PITA juggling multiple browsers.

    And this isn't a new thing either. browsers have always had, and probably always will have major incompatibilities. IE, being a Microsoft product tries to set their own standards, which the rest of the industry does their best to either avoid or side-step (understandibly so).

    As long as the browser battles/wars continue, I just don't see HTML5 as a stable enough platform to try and develop for/with.

  • I was doing some different tests as well. On Windows 7, via Chrome and Node Webkit, the game runs great (using C2 143). On Windows 8, via Chrome and Node Webkit, it runs like a dog. Horrible horrible lag. A difference of 30 frames per second between the two.