WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • construct.net/en/make-games/releases

    If you scroll down here you see a list of updates along with the dates and from there you can view and launch these versions. I don't know if Construct saves any info within the apk. Iirc you can just open the apk with a zip and take a look at the contents, maybe you find something.

    BUT the process of building an apk is not handled within construct itself, it's a build service scirra has set up on a server. So most likely changing to an older version will not make it build faster.

  • That's very odd. Can you share the project? Just strip everything you don't need or want shared. Could be an issue with the spritesheet generation.

    Can you check how it looks on the spritesheet?

  • For a behavior you'll have to use the SDK. Unless you know javascript it's not gonna be easy.

    I think the best option would be to create functions. Like your example "go to food bowl" could just be put into a function that then pathfinds to said food bowl. Then your daughter just has to tie conditions and functions together.

  • I know your struggle. The Sprite you are setting it to must be present on the Layout or it's not gonna work!

  • 1. Seems pointless tbh. Javascript is not that hard, and adding a new Language support would be a massive undertaking for virtually 0 benefit.

    2. Maybe interesting, but I'm not sure if the current renderer as is is set up to support this? Construct is still first and foremost a 2D Engine.

    3. As noted above, Construct is a 2D Engine. The 3D features are not meant to go much further than they do right now. There's plenty of 3D engines for you to pick from. Godot comes to mind, though Godot never clicked with me. I really really really like the event system in Construct, and I really understand the wish for Construct 3D, but it's not gonna happen. Construct is already being hardcarried by Ashley (and Diego) but that's just 2 people. There are simply no resources to make a 3D Version.

  • Set text removes all previous content. Try append text.

  • Long overdue that I put that out. Thought about selling it but I can't be bothered. I appreciate donations tho! This is a basic implementation, nothing too fancy here but you can build upon it.

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    What does it do?

    - You input a target Angle (the direction the object "wants" to go in)

    - Enemies shoot out a bunch of raycasts, that then detect walls and other obstacles.

    - After some math stuff this results in a new angle

    - Move enemy towards that angle

    Long story short, enemies will avoid obstacles.


  • I have made something like that before, maybe this helps.


    This part specifically keeps the character upright. It basically turns the body upright with a force that gets greater the further the character isn't upright. If your character stands still you might have to do something similar for the legs.

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  • No access to the file.

  • Firebase has a login system with Google accounts.

  • As for the inappropriate words, you'll have to filter them out somehow. This has always been a little bit tricky, as people like to get creative with stuff like A$$ or ***** and such. Also you have to avoid filtering out common words like ASSemble just because they contain a no-no word. There's probably some libraries out there (https://www.npmjs.com/package/bad-words) or javascript code (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56456144/javascript-simple-profanity-filter) but ideally you'd do that server-side and not client-side.

    And for sending scores every second, it depends a little on how the game is designed. But if you could e.g. only allow to send the score if it's a new highscore. Or there is some kind of timeout. Or it's only possible to send the score after a finished game.

  • I do not have this issue. I think most people don't have this issue, hence the lack of answers. You shouldn't need to add them again after updates unless you clear browser cache or something.

    You can alleviate the issue somewhat by bundling the addons in the project. When you open the project and an addon is missing, you will get an install prompt when opening the project.

  • This is limited by the framerate. It draws every frame so if you move really fast, it will leave gaps since the cursor moved so far within a single frame. You can interpolate the drawing between the old and new positions.


    smoothingSteps is how many inbetween steps it will draw between the old and new position. I recommend setting it as low as you possibly can while still getting nice lines.

  • Absolutely do use the manual. Sometimes certain APIs are not (yet) available, which is a bit of a bummer, and you have to make your own functions for certain things.

    let tilemap = runtime.objects.Tilemap.getFirstPickedInstance();
    let mouse = runtime.mouse.getMousePosition();
    let tile = positionToTile(tilemap, mouse[0], mouse[1]);
    tilemap.setTileAt(tile.x, tile.y, 0);
    	function positionToTile(tilemap,x,y) {
    	let gridX = tilemap.tileWidth;
    	let gridY = tilemap.tileHeight;
    	let resultX = Math.floor((x - tilemap.x)/gridX);
    	let resultY = Math.floor((y - tilemap.y)/gridY);
    	if (resultX < 0 || resultY < 0 || resultX > tilemap.width/gridX || resultY > tilemap.height/gridY) {
    		return "outside Tilemap";
    	} else {
    		return {"x": resultX, "y": resultY};
  • That's actually a good workaround :D