Is there any way to figure out the version of construct 3 used to export apk?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hi,

    I made a mobile game in January this year. Same source code is now taking 5 minutes to process while it was taking 5 seconds while I published the game

    So to corner the bug I need to know which version was used to process the apk. So, is there any way to figure out that?

    Or which version of construct 3 was there around January?

    Thanks & Regards

    EDIT:- Sorry for little bit of confusion. I am not talking about speed of generating an APK,I am talking about the game itself

    In January, on clicking a button in the game, next screen appeared in 5 seconds. Now it is taking 5 minutes

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    If you scroll down here you see a list of updates along with the dates and from there you can view and launch these versions. I don't know if Construct saves any info within the apk. Iirc you can just open the apk with a zip and take a look at the contents, maybe you find something.

    BUT the process of building an apk is not handled within construct itself, it's a build service scirra has set up on a server. So most likely changing to an older version will not make it build faster.

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