VIKINGS's Forum Posts

  • Bump. Nothing, nobody?:(

  • Hello World,

    I made a topic a few weeks back asking for help with pseudorandomness, you can go check it out if you wanna see what that was about. At that time someone helped me with a nice example for how my game worked at that time.

    Sadly since then I had to change some stuff around, instead of having a bunch of objects each with several frames I now have hundreds of objects with just the one frame each. So, unfortunately, the capx that person made doesn't help me anymore.

    I tried modifing it, I tried playing with arrays on my own, using other examples/tutorials for shuffling, etc. and I still can't do it....

    I'm pretty close to giving up but before I do I figured I might as well ask. Check the picture below please, with how my code looks, isn't there a way I could simply put some parameters on those functions so when they are called to create an object they don't create an object that has the same UID as another object on the same y as the object being created? This way I'd have "some"(I guess) randomezation without much repetition and I wouldn't have to modify my code much, just add those parameters, wouldn't have to worry about freaking arrays, etc....

    Thank you.

    P.S. Ignore the depressing lyrics of the music I'm listening to atm that appear in the image, I couldn't find the strenght to care enough to cut them out this time.

  • Hello World,

    Could someone please make a plugin for app invites(part of the google play services) that works with intelxdk? You can read more about what this does here.

    Thank you.

  • Well, that's me, I always overthink things. Ok, thanks for the help and explanations blackhornet , time to get back to work I guess.

    Sadly it seems that now I have to delete the variables for all the objects(and I have hundreds of them...) then add them to the family, then go and edit them again for each object.... It's gonna take forever, sigh...

  • Ok, that's what I suspected you might be talking about, but I don't really understand how that works blackhornet .

    So when I do that it's gonna pick the value of the instance variable from the object that just colided then automatically copy that value into the instance variable of the family(if they have the same name?) and then compare variables of the families which now have those copied values to see if they match?

    Is that what's going on, or am I getting it wrong, how exactly does that work?

    LE: And then I'm gonna right click on those 3 conditions, add else, and that "else" is gonna mean "if eighter of those 3 is not equal then do this"?

  • I misspoke there LittleStain what I meant to say was "I don't even see how that would work."

    Could you guys please use that capx, modify it to show me what you are talking about? Because I don't think we're on the same page...

  • I can't do that blackhornet I have hundreds of objects and for each of them those 3 variables differ. So first of all it would take forever to do and second of all I don't even see how that would help.

  • Hello World,

    Please check the capx below. As you can see I have 2 families, one with monsters and one with ammo. And each member of each family has different properties defined in instance variables for each object ammo/monster type(the shape it is, circle, square, etc.), what color it has, and if it has any signs on it.

    Then you will see I have one event AllAmmo on collision with AllMonsters.

    I would like someone to please make the code there to show me how to do the following:

    • when an ammo colides with a monster pick only the 2 members of each family that have just collided(as I understand C2 does this automatically because it's a triggered event and because of how families work?)
    • then(on that collision) compare the instance variables of just those 2 members that have just colided to see if they are equal ammotype=monstertype, color=color, sign=sign(and remember these variables are on each object itself, not on the family)
    • if all variables are equal call function x, else(if any of them is not equal) call function y

    Capx link: ... .capx?dl=0

    If you have any questions let me know. Thank you.

  • Oh dear. K, I'll try mindfaQ .

  • Thank you rickyandrean , glad you enjoy them. I'm working on my forth now, should be out in a couple of weeks.

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  • Woow, that sounds super complicated.... I was hoping for something simpler. I'll see if I can make any of it work, thanks mindfaQ .

    Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated guys.

  • Hello World,

    Check out the capx below please, it's an aiming system for a game I'm working on. Click on a B sprite and aim, if you move it slowly you will see the framerate stay pretty constant, however if you start moving it fast the frame drops quite considerably.

    Is there anything else I can do to improve it performance wise?

    Thank you.

    Link: ... 2.rar?dl=0

  • Looks awesome R0J0hound . I'll go with it, thank you very much.

  • Ok, here's a question LittleStain , R0J0hound , and everyone else.

    What if I take each frame and make it a separate object on it's own? Would that make things easier, could I then put them in an array and do that random thing or what?

    And would that have any drawbacks, specially performance wise?

  • bump.