VIKINGS's Forum Posts

  • Wooow... Well then I'll optimize my game for newer versions and just put a disclaimer in the menu saying something like "Sorry mate, old iOS limitations, you'll only get music, tough luck."(I'll proly phrase it in a bit more sensible way, I'm just kinda pissed at the moment after finding out about all this...)

    Olso, the way you replied brings me back to another question I have, which I asked in another post, but I'll paste? it here too, get a quicker answer and will olso help future people asking themselves the same thing in case they won't stumble onto the other post.

    I see you guys use the word browser a lot, saying stuff like "a Construct 2 game is not an application - it's a browser-based type of thing" and "Use the Browser's plugin "Close" action."

    But I plan to use CocoonJS to make an iOS game with it, that people can download of the appstore... woudln't that be a standalone app, they would still play it in a browser?

  • I see you guys use the word browser a lot saying stuff like "a Construct 2 game is not an application - it's a browser-based type of thing" and "Use the Browser's plugin "Close" action."

    But I plan to use CocoonJS to make an iOS game with it, that people can download of the appstore... woudln't that be a standalone app, they would still play it in a browser?

    As for a Back button Bhumika I just created a button on each menu page, named it Back, and then I went to the event sheet of each page and added a event Back[on clicked] add action System>Go to Menu(main) where Menu(main) is the name of my start screen that has start game, options, credits, quit game, etc. buttons. Hope that helps.

  • Is the logic here correct?

    Here is what I want it to do:

    On first player click on MuteMusic, mute the background music and set var mutemusic to 1(it was 0 by default)

    On next player click check if var mutemusic=1, if it is=1 then unmute backgroundmusic and set var mutemusic to 0.

    On next player click check if var mutemusic=0... rinse and repeat.

    Olso does the "On clicked" event work for touch clicks too or just mouse clicks? If just mouse clicks then how do I change it for touch controls, cause when I select the button MuteMusic I have no touch events?

    And if I want to mute more then 1 sound with a click do I use "SoundCollision""SoundPickup"? Or with + betwhen them or &, what?

  • Hey hey hey, hold on just a second....!!

    You mean if I don't go through all that I can't have a normal game with background music and other sounds on iPads/iPhones with older versions of iOS?!

    And even if I do it I will only be able to play a single sound at a time?!(what if the player hits something with the background music playing...)

    Cmon I thought apple was supposed to be "top dog" in the mobile market, specially considering how much their devices cost...

  • LE: Never mind I fixed that problem, seems I had the variable on the wrong button.

    I'll keep this post updated so please check back once in a while guys. Thank you.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Well this ain't working... I've added a variable to the start game button, set it to false, but then when I go to the event sheets and I try to use it it tells me I have no variables and have to create one first...

    Very strange, had no problems with this in any of the tutorials I did.

  • K, thank you guys, gimme a spell to work on it, then I'll post it and you can tell me what you think.

  • Yeah, I suppose I can work with that, like give the greyed out sprites no event, and event only for the "normal colored" ones if var=....

    Cool, thank you.

    But what about the rest? How many layers, one for each, and waht about the sound options?

  • Hello everyone,

    So I need to make a menu for my future iOS game(everything will be touch based), now I've checked the FAQ and google and youtube, but everything I've managed to find are just examples for simple menus, like the 1945 one, and those don't really help me...

    Here is what I wanna do if you can please help:

    First button will be a "Start Game", if you click it a new screen appears with 4 levels, but only the first level is selectable, the other 3 are greyed out and will unlock in order(after you finish level 1 the second level is selectable, after you finish 2 you can play 3 and so on).

    I have a vague idea on how to achieve this(using variable, ex. "if level1 completed=true" or something like that, right?) but no idea where to start or what steps to follow.

    How do I make the buttons "untouchable" untill the var=true, how many layers do I need( one for start game menu, one for levels, one for options, and so on? Cause thats gonna end up beeing 10++ layers just for the menu...)

    Second button under "Start Game" will be "Options". When you click this you will be taken to another screen where I want to have 2 sliders one for music level and one for effects level. No idea how do this...

    Then 2 more buttons "How to play" and "Quit Game" these 2 should be pretty simple, right?

    If there are any tutorials that explain/show how to do this and I've missed them I apologize, please link. Otherwise if you can please explain what I have to do in as much detail as possible as this is my first game and I am very much a newb.

    Thank you very much for your time&help, sorry for writing so much.