Hello World,
So I'm trying, hard, to finally make my latest game actually work(in all aspects) with scale outer and, as you might have guessed, it's confusing as hell; all my other games I started by saying *Yeah, yeah, I'll make it scale outer* and I eventually gave up and used letterbox instead.
So, one of the dozen problems I have at the moment is how do I make the game always scroll to the middle of the screen?
I tried the following:
on start of layout | scroll to position
x: (ViewportRight(0) - ViewportLeft(0))/2
y: (ViewportBottom(0) - ViewportTop(0))/2
Doesn't work. I tried replacing the 0's with the name of an actual layer, doesn't work. I tried puting the viewports into variables and then doing (var.a - var.b)/2, didn't work.....
I know I'm stupid, but what am I missing guys? How can I get my game to always center on the middle of the screen, regardless of what device it's playing on(resolution, aspect ratio, etc.)?
Thank you.