vascco's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the article.

    Basically, the three things I try to optimize are: Physics objects, Mesh distortion and For each loops. All this works fantastically when there is an optimal number of objects, and when there are a lot of them, then there are minor problems in cpu and gpu %, but it's all solvable.

    Now my plan is to reduce the number of physical objects, divide the objects with mesh distortion into groups that will never work at the same time, and to rewiew each part of the project, and all the above instructions, how I can improve the for each loops.

    For example, in the case of a large number of physics objects, the real-time management of stepping iterations, if the algorithm of the project allows it, can reduce cpu up to about 10%.

  • Many thanks for the clarification. Then I will go in that direction.

    On the current project I have few hundreds of active objects at one time and I am now optimizing wherever possible.

  • Good idea, thanks. I'll check through the debugger.

  • Hello,

    In the case of picking family objects using an instance variable only, which option consumes less memory: Through System->Pick by comparison or through Family->Compare instance variable?

  • I didn't know that request URL can call array from files.

    Thank you very much oosyrag

  • Hello colleagues,

    I have 200 array files and each array represents one level configuration.

    Since the AJAX request has a file dropdown menu, would that mean I have to make 200 AJAX requests, which seems to me that my approach is wrong, considering that there can be a much higher number of levels than 200, so that would be a lot of request lines.

    Is the solution to create an one array, with depth (Z-axis), where the depth would represent the number of levels, so import could be done with a single AJAX request, or is there a better approach to do it, with one loop?

  • Thank you dop2000 I'll take a look at the demo.

  • You mean in a side view game? Why can't you use Platform behavior? You should be able to configure all the settings - max speed, jump height etc.

    As far as I know, the Platform does not have the ability to set the exact coordinates where the player should jump (point B). Also, a jump cannot be performed if there is no solid surface below. Or I am wrong?

    I've solved this through qarp expression and variables for speed, acceleration, deceleration, and jump height, but I'm curious if it can be done in an easier way, through the already built construct 3 behavoir.

    I tried MoveTo (X and Y position) + Tween (Y ping-pong); MoveTo (X and Y position) + Sine (half vertical period for parabola), but I couldn't solve it.

  • Hi, is it possible to do a parabolic jump, from point A to exact point B, with jump height, max speed, acceleration and deceleration, with Construct 3 behaviors only? Let's say MoveTo + anything else?

  • It looks like you said Tomycase, and this works nicely.

  • Hi Tomycase, thanks.

    That's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure it was the right way to go.

    Within the System Condition docs, for Else it says:

    Run if the previous event did not run. Note that this condition does not pick any objects: if it follows an event that picks objects, in the Else event all instances revert to picked again. Else can only follow normal (non-triggered) events. It can also follow another Else event with other conditions to make an "if - else if - else" chain.

    What does this mean: "if it follows an event that picks objects, in the Else event all instances revert to picked again"?

  • Hello to all,

    I noticed that "Else" can work afterwards "Pick by comparision" condition, if no instance is picked.

    If "Pick instances" works as a loop then else shouldn't it be able to go after, or I am wrong?

  • Hello everyone,

    I am currently working on game for mobile phones and desktop computers, in 854x480 px resolution, but need to increase images quality, and now I am looking with the appropriate, higher, resolution.

    What are your opinions and thoughts, which resolution will best cover mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers, taking care not to drop fps rate too much, in the case of working with a lot of Physics objects (one layout can have and 100 objects with Physics behavior).

    I am thinking about 1920x1080px, but not sure yet because fps rate impact.

    Also, what do you think about 4k resolution, since I see that more and more fast mobile phones, with 4k screens, are coming out, how it will affect fps rate?

  • Hi dop2000, thank you for your answer. I tried and this too, but disabling / enabling physic and recreating joints always spoil the natural movement of the objects (some smaller and simpler objects can pass but complicated physics groups, with a lot od joints, make a mess).

    I still want to work with physics, but I think I will give up resizing objects and changing their positions by set position.

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  • Hi,

    I have family with chain made by Physics revolute joints and trying to increase or reduce chain size in runtime.

    Tried a lot of options (Pin, Hierarchy, set positions, ...), but every time it come into conflict with Physics behavior.

    After that I tried with making Physics objects immovable and it worked during scaling, but after making objects movable, after scaling, at first they behave a little strangely, with some extra forces, before they stabilize, but that doesn't suit me.

    At the end I tried with scaling entire Layer and it works fine but, it changed layer positions because Layer pivot points is at the center of the layout. After that I tried to move family objects, to offset Layer scale but got the same situation as before.

    What should I do? Is there a maybe way to change Pivot point for one layer only, or how to work?