vascco's Forum Posts

  • Tried and with "Keyboard is pressed" instead "Keyboard is down", but got the same situation.

  • Hello Fib, thank you very much for reply.

    Just tried with 4 events, as you said, but got the same - keyboard does not work after clicking on any button. Or did I misunderstand something?

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or i missed something.

    For example, we have the following Object types:

    - Button, named LeftButton

    - Button2, named RightButton

    - Keyboard

    - Text

    If LeftButton or left arrow on Keyboard is pressed, text "Left" should be printed,

    If RightButton or right arrow on Keyboard is pressed, text "Right" should be printed.

    After running, it works if we start with keyboard arrows, but after clicking on butttons keyboard doesn't work anymore and the black frame is printed around button. Below is the code screenshot.

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  • You need to add this object to a family and add Physics behavior on the family level. Then you can pick one object instance and one family instance and create a joint between them.

    It works. Thank you very much!

  • Hi everyone,

    Is it possible to create Distance joints between 2 object instances?

    For example:

    - 10 objects with Physics behavior and with instance "Number", are created through loop, and numbers are assigned to every object instance, from 1 to 10 respectively;

    - how I can create Distance joint between objects with instance numbers: 3 and 7.

    Regards to all and thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.