Valhalla.admin's Forum Posts

  • From what I understand, Audio Play in Background only works for an audio that started playing when the game was running. Then it'll stop and not play any other audio as soon as it is finished.

    In my opinion, this is a feature that should be enabled for dev and user consent, instead of blocked, since run in background tend to be important. I know it has to be used with caution, but this caution could maybe be controlled from the framework side.

    Anyway, that said, I use a plugin called "Run in Background". It's kinda tricky, but it sure works on Android Platforms (Browser) and Desktops, but doesn't on iOS.

    It even have an exemple file, it's worth checking out.

    Maybe I didn't describe the problem clearly. I wanted to implement the standard work of a music player in my application, download .mp3 files from a list and play these files. When the application is running, everything works fine, but as soon as you lock the phone, the application stops working.

    I wanted to find out how to implement it exactly in the Construct without using plugins from other developers, since then it’s hard to maintain the application.

    Thanks for the link to the plugin, but its the last update in 2020.

  • In my application, the Audio Plugin downloads .mp3 file from the internet and plays it.

    But when the phone is locked, all playback stops. I assume that the work of the program itself stops.

    Enabling "Play in background" in the Audio plugin didn't help.

    How can I keep the app downloading and playing audio files when the phone is locked?


  • Can you build a project for iOS or Android without the Internet?

    Bit of random positive feedback, but my home internet randomly died today, and I remember often reading about people being unable to use C3 offline. However, my experience was successful!

    I use Chrome with no extensions (My general browser is Firefox, but I use Chrome strictly for C3).

    I hadn't opened C3 today, but when internet died, I immediately opened Chrome, and I have a home tab that opens . I noticed it was loading for longer, so I anxiously waited, and after about 10 seconds, I suddenly see C3's start page. Very good!

    I opened a project and saw a popup stating that I'm using free version, which was a worry, but then after a further 10 seconds, it suddenly logged me in with a little "crossed-out cloud" icon, and I was all set. Previews work fine.

    This was a pleasant surprise! I know positive feedback is less common to see, as it makes sense to post to highlight issues or get support, but I thought I'd share my experience.

    Recently, the server has been crashing very often.

    The program is paid, but it works like worse than free analogues. :(

    Server crashes occur every couple of months. That place ends, then the socket is closed.

    The program is not free, but regular children's errors !!!

  • Hey all, a little while ago I had trouble saving my game as a single file with it creating memory errors and was advised to save it as a project folder. While this worked with some workarounds (turn the old save into a zip, extract, load that folder, then save with the floppy disk button in the editor only), I thought it was time to upgrade my computer anyway.

    But now after buying a new PC I have the opposite problem: I can only save as a single file, not as a project folder. Even if I convert a save into a project folder and load it, the floppy disk save button will fail to save.

    Does anyone have any advice on this? I tried many different locations, with all permissions granted and C3 run as administrator and it always fails.

    I can assume that you have a high level of security in your web browser settings.

    Сonstruct is a web application, therefore, like a regular site, it must be added to safe sites and given full access.

  • My project settings:

    Works correctly on iOS phones:

    But on Android phones it works differently:

    Without connecting to the phone's gyroscope and rotating the layer to the desired angle, is there a way to set this automatically for Android???

  • Try Construct 3

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  • X = rows, Y = columns. The debug view is correct but it's reversed on the array file if you're using that.

    You are correct that the debug view reverses the array.

    But why do you think it's right?

    This is the first time I've come across the fact that there are some recommendations in the code, and others in the debug view (there is an internal feeling that different teams developed the code :) ).

    There are no hard and fast rules:

    X=rows, Y=columns OR X=columns, Y=rows

    the main thing is that it should be the same in the entire software.

  • The manual says that:

    Array properties

    Width (X dimension)

    Height (Y dimension)

    Depth (Z dimension)

    Displaying an array in debug mode:

    Width = Y

    Height = X

    Is it possible to switch the display of the array in debug mode, how is it used in the program?


  • There was a bit of a hiccup on the build service which was causing the timeout errors, but it should all be back up and running again!

    This product is paid, and every day there are some new errors with the server.

    Maybe you should reconsider your pricing policy?

    Error: Checking Java JDK and Android SDK versions

    ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~~/androidSDK (recommended setting)


    Using Android SDK: ~~/androidSDK

  • There was a bit of a hiccup on the build service which was causing the timeout errors, but it should all be back up and running again!

    Thanks, everything is working now!!!

  • Can someone try to make an export of their application in order to understand whether this is a problem with me or on the server.

  • For the last couple of days I have been seeing the following errors during export:

    There is an internet connection. Changing the Internet provider also gave a positive result.

    Successful export turns out to be done somewhere from the 20th time.

  • This could do the trick

    navigator.__defineGetter__('userAgent', function () {
    return "Prince Pie"
    navigator.__defineGetter__('appName', function () {
    return "Mehlicious"

    The code I've suggested does a great job of making changes to the userAgent.

    Your version of the code also makes changes to the userAgent.

    But the construct ignores the user data in the userAgent and uses others:

  • I don't think browsers actually allow this. I think it could cause a lot of compatibility and security issues if pages could arbitrarily change the browser user agent.

    If you want to specify some extra data to handle on the server side, usually you'd do that with query string parameters or POST data.

    Changing the name in the userAgent is a common practice, for example, almost all bots use it.

    Then you can configure the rules on the nginx server itself.