Success with offline mode

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  • Bit of random positive feedback, but my home internet randomly died today, and I remember often reading about people being unable to use C3 offline. However, my experience was successful!

    I use Chrome with no extensions (My general browser is Firefox, but I use Chrome strictly for C3).

    I hadn't opened C3 today, but when internet died, I immediately opened Chrome, and I have a home tab that opens . I noticed it was loading for longer, so I anxiously waited, and after about 10 seconds, I suddenly see C3's start page. Very good!

    I opened a project and saw a popup stating that I'm using free version, which was a worry, but then after a further 10 seconds, it suddenly logged me in with a little "crossed-out cloud" icon, and I was all set. Previews work fine.

    This was a pleasant surprise! I know positive feedback is less common to see, as it makes sense to post to highlight issues or get support, but I thought I'd share my experience.

  • This is good news. I will give it a try next time my internet is down. I have had a hard time with this in the past.

  • Can you build a project for iOS or Android without the Internet?

    Bit of random positive feedback, but my home internet randomly died today, and I remember often reading about people being unable to use C3 offline. However, my experience was successful!

    I use Chrome with no extensions (My general browser is Firefox, but I use Chrome strictly for C3).

    I hadn't opened C3 today, but when internet died, I immediately opened Chrome, and I have a home tab that opens . I noticed it was loading for longer, so I anxiously waited, and after about 10 seconds, I suddenly see C3's start page. Very good!

    I opened a project and saw a popup stating that I'm using free version, which was a worry, but then after a further 10 seconds, it suddenly logged me in with a little "crossed-out cloud" icon, and I was all set. Previews work fine.

    This was a pleasant surprise! I know positive feedback is less common to see, as it makes sense to post to highlight issues or get support, but I thought I'd share my experience.

  • Can you build a project for iOS or Android without the Internet?

    Yes, you can, using the Cordova CLI.

  • > Can you build a project for iOS or Android without the Internet?

    Yes, you can, using the Cordova CLI.

    Every (cordova) plugin will be pulled from either npm or git.

    But also for a pure project without any plugin at all will still fail, since the CLI uses cordova-fetch to fetch the android/ios package from npm.

    Running cordova prepare offline will eventuelly timeout since it cannot fetch the npm package.

    Also doing a build will directly fail on the gradle, timeout.

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  • I think you do indeed need to be online for the first time all those dependencies are downloaded, but I think after that they are cached and so builds can work offline if they use the same dependencies as used previously.

  • But I have to say a negative feedback.

    I took my notebook out to work. When I had WIFI, Construct worked fine, but when I closed WIFI, only can see a blank screen when I clicked on the preview project. The browser console prompted Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED, I have to reconnect to the network to continue the preview. (Note: this project uses the JSON file in the AJAX request project.)

    But when I got home and wanted to feedback this problem, I couldn't specifically reproduce it. It only happens when I'm out.

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