Ubivis's Forum Posts

  • ah, just found a open source method to do what I want... will try to put it in an plugin:


  • Hi All,

    finally, I do also have a question. Does anyone know if there is a possibility to show GridViews with C2?

    Don't know what a GridView is? Look here: http://jquerygridview.com/

    Unfortunately, jqGridView is way too expensive for commercial use.

    Thank you very much for any suggestion <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Sorry, what is the question and scenario? Would help to have a bit more information of what kind of problem you have.

    On each tick does only start when the layout is loaded.

  • Agree, Gamedev Tycoon is too random in my opinion (Doing a game with good values and get a great score, latest doing the same set up, getting good values but get really bad scores and get bankrupt)... Game Dev Story is much better.

  • not sure, as no one can see, what URL you try to call... it could be something simple as a missing " or some misformat.

    If you could upload a sample capx, of what you are trying would help us to see what you might have done wrong.

    The possibilities are huge:

    • wrong formated URL
    • wrong format of the requested data
    • ...
  • A very simple mock up on how it works... hope this helps

    The Weapon and the Rust Texture must be on the same layer, but I guess you can figure it out from my example.

  • Also. There isn't really any loss in third party people using their time to develop 3D plugins.

    Absolutely this... Scirra will not lose any time developing their stuff, the community works on their plugins that scirra can concentrate on the important part (C2 itself, basic plugins, more advanced plugins like Multiplayer, ...).

    I have good use for 3D Possibilities in my apps and look forward to see an easy way to import 3D Models into my apps

  • the official "Dungeon Keeper 3"

    So, I do only need to add "the licence" to the list above

  • wonderful.. simple gameplay, adorable graphics... really enjoying it

  • just for completeness, if you plan to publish on windows phone. Microsoft also charges a yearly fee, which is by far cheaper than the one from apple.

    For Google it is just a one time fee, and you can publish as many games you like using that account.

    One thing to keep in mind: The fee is just the allowness to publish apps on their platform. In addition to these fees, they also take a percentage for each single sell (app or IAP).

  • yes, it is mandatory

    for publishing to itunes, it is much more expensive. You will need a mac + a yearly subscription (I think it is at about 90$, but I'm not sure, as I don't use them)

  • ==Solved== Thanks for the help guys, greatly appreciated, wouldn't have passed this step without it!

    Ubivis, you're technique aided me greatly, cheers!


    Irinas version is easier, but mine is more variable, as you can adjust the max health during runtime

  • the x position of an image should not change, if you don't change it in any of your events. Only thing I can imagine here is, that you placed the image on a layer with paralax. So while you are moving, it looks like that the line is moving but the whole layer is moving. To get rid of this is by placing that image on a separate layer that is just as big as the screen with no paralax.

    In regards of drawing a line, you can use the canvas plugin to do this, don't know of another way.

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  • it would be easier if you post a capx that I can tell you based on your code, but I try to explain.

    I imagine, that your player object has these 2 variables: CurHealth (Players current health) and MaxHealth (The maximum of health a player can have)

    set up a condition: compare instance variable -> CurHealth > MaxHealth ---> Set instance variable: CurHealth = MaxHealth

    With this, you don't need to check every time when you add or substract health if it is allowed... this function would just set the health back to the maximum if it is every higher than the allowed value.

    Hope my example makes sense

  • A possible solution is to add a function that checks if the current health is > max health... if so, set current health to max