Ubivis's Forum Posts

  • Bussines edition: $399 FOR EVER

    Bussines: Endless use for an entire team

    Not really:


    A Business License can be issued to either:

    A named employee who is free to use it on as many computers as they want but no one else is permitted to use the licenses

    A single machine which anyone can use, but no more than 1 user at any one time

    you need a business licence for each single team member or single computer.

  • very nice progress with the platformer demo... at this speed, can we expect a Skyrim Remake in C2 by end of the week?

  • looks like a well thought plan and is absolutely doable with the standard plugins delivered with C2.

    As stctr said, Ajax is all you need for this (in addition to your server side scripts in PHP, Perl, or whatever)

  • Both examples working fine here

    Keep up your great work

  • I guess you need to pack your app in an installer and let the installer create an autostart entry for your app. I can't think of any other way to manage this.

  • set up an integer variable with the value 5, on each miss substract 1 from that variable. If the variable reached the count '0' go to a new layout

  • z order does make a difference. You need to update the z-order during playtime. If your character is below the obstacle, render the player above. If your Character is above the obstacle, render it below of it.

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  • You can try to directly upload the file or add some spaces into the URL that the system does not recognise your link as a link

    As a possibility on how to achieve what you want. Add an instance variable to your enemies (could be a boolean that you could call "near player"). When the enemy is near your player set it to true and if not, set it to false. To your moment events, just add a check on if the variable true or false. If it is false, do movement, if it is true, do something else.

  • What I had in mind was this layout:

    4 Layers:

    • 1. Black Background, just as big as the screen and no paralax. No Scaling
    • 2. Stars, a couple of star maps that are bigger as the screen itself with that the stars move slowly when you move around. Scales a bit when you zoom in or out
    • 3. Galaxy Clouds, slightly bigger or equal as the Stars Layer that it also moves around while your are scolling. Also scales a bit when you zoom
    • 4. Planets, biggest layer. Planets places all over the map. Scales more than Layer 2 and 3 when you zoom in or out. This gives a nice 3 dimensional effect

    About the routes system, this is unfortunately something I don't know anything, but I am sure someone else can give an idea on how to do it.

  • using too big images is a big problem for web apps, I experimented myself with this problem some time ago and the best solution for me was to use a black 16x16 tile I used for the background and have separate images for galaxy clouds, stars and planets that got just places onto my map (can be done either in the editor as a fixed position map or by generating the map during runtime by using random x/y coordinates.

    About the zoom, you can put the planet on a separate layer that is just scaled up and down when you want to zoom. Having it on a separate layer, it will not affect the background when you play around with scaling.

    For clickable, this is not a big problem, just have each planet as a separate object and when you click on it, do your stuff in the event editor

    Hope this helps for the first stept

  • No idea if this is a good example but I like to post easy examples today

  • same here, tried it with chrome. I noticed that when I click the full screen logo on the top right, something happens (looks like it tries to go into full screen) but is back to normal nearly instantly.

    Could it be, that you have another event set up, which takes the game back from full screen mode (maybe a "on every tick" event)?

  • hmm, set the instance variable to a value (I would say seconds) until it should be destroyed. Each second, deduct 1 from the variable for each of the sprites.

    For each NPC Sprite, if variable <= 0, destroy it.

    EDIT: Example attached

    BTW.: To know if you did it correctly it is always a good idea to attach your project file, that we can have a look into it

  • I did experience with this too a while ago (Spawning 3 enemies every second on different locations of my map and let them go to a center point). By left clicking I was able to set a wall and with right clicking to destroy a wall. The best solution I got was to just assign the pathfinind at the beginning and only update the path, when one of my enemies collides with a wall.

    Still no great experience, but I do hope that this will improves sometime.

  • hmm, on IE and Firefox the game throws JavaScript errors on me after some time. I will have to let someone else have a look on your code, as I can't find a problem