Tylermon's Forum Posts

  • Make sure buttons are on top layer/z order

    Might be that you are touching something else?

    I would also make sure the bullet behavior isn't making X invalid.

    If X is not the same value as your lanes then it won't work.

    For testing, make a blank else statement, have it do something so you can know if the touch/button is actually working.

    I am thinking your conditions are false so you don't see what you expect.

  • Yeah. Basically whatever you are wanting to be greater than 0 should be in that compare statement. If you want it greater than 1.5 or something you could change 0 to anything you want.

    Just make sure you have an else statement that will basically do your hardest difficulty. This way when that compare condition eventually fails the game still continues doing what you expect.

  • Might be possible to just make the tile map a solid instead of physics unmovable.

    Is the background many sprites? One giant sprite? Tiled background?

  • If I understand correctly:

    Spawn rate-spawn time > 0

    Every random(spawn rate - spawn time)

    The condition you want is under system and is the compare two values.

  • I want to add that recycling the platforms would be better for performance if possible.

    Instead of destroying them, move them back to the top.

    Also, I take it they scroll down/up so be aware that these platforms won't always be the same distance apart, they get separated and can grow far apart at higher speeds. So plan ahead for some degree of error.

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  • Add another condition that compares x-spawntime > 0

    This way you can't ever have less than 0.

    Going to throw out that adding 5 to speed every second can get things moving incredibly quick very fast. Like unplayable fast. Especially for mobile devices.

  • Wonder what would happen if you use the multiplayer object with the user media/camera. You also have microphone access.

    Check out the user media object.

    I do know there is a camera/webcam example when you go to make a new project.


  • Well I don't know what you do or don't know but here are some things to try:

    Animations. And making them have an impact. Stealth, prone, jumping, pulling pushing, etc

    Paper doll. Overlay and make use of multiple weapons/items and outfits.

    Multiplayer. Many things you can use this object for. Even some creative ways to make singleplayer games with it. Have a server running a persistent world. Offload heavy logic away from the core game. Etc.

    Something I recently have been playing with is image points. I have a character and use a number of image points to dynamically change sword angles and position during animations. This lets me swap weapons and they are instantly animated with believable motions.

    Take simple things and learn to master them in new ways.

    Basically, how I "learn" is think of a concept or idea and make it happen. Or at least try to

    Try and take the things you know, and apply them differently.

  • Prolly had a power surge in your house.

    Was my best guess as well. Currently looking for a good uninterruptible power supply.

    I'm guessing it should match or exceed what my power supply can do. So need a 1200w+ UPS.

    Can't find a whole lot online about good brands though. Most im finding wouldn't be able to keep up with my psu. :/

    And the ones that can have very limited information and few if any reviews.

  • Never works for me.

    Tried on safari mobile and chrome desktop.

    Not a huge issue. But annoying I have to sign in every visit to the website despite checking that box!

  • I just wanted a place on the internet to say huzzah! ....and then ended up writing more than I intended so here ya go!

    My computer has been dead for a month and finally have it fixed!

    I left for China and had a great time, only to return to a dead computer. How it died is a mystery because it was powered off and never in use while I was away....

    $2000ish of broken equipment was a bit nerve wracking. Luckily it was only my PSU and nothing else was damaged.

    A few customer supports later. A handy 7 year warranty.... and I finally have a new power supply!

    ax1200i is an amazing psu...but honestly I wouldn't expect it to die while not in use...or at all. Oh well. Month of frustration over!


    I got one of the new 3ds consoles/gamepads what have you. And I love it.

    Feel free to add me. 2380 - 5725 - 4370

    I have Monster Hunter 4, soon to have much much more. muahahahaha.

    This thing occupied me while computer was dead xD

    Oh, and China was lots of fun.

    West Lake, Hangzhou if any1 is curious.

  • You can also try to find an artist at deviant art. Some may be willing to work free if givin commission from a final product.

  • Sorry to be off topic, but your naming conventions are epic. Ass_destroyer.

    On topic now!

    Limit collision checks. Maybe if objects are off screen you don't care about them? So it might be possible to disable collisions on those objects.

    And when objects get a certain range or leave the layout it may be possible to destroy them.

    The key is removing objects you don't need. And only doing logic with objects relevant.

  • It is possible to create a seperate server and client.

    In a basic sense the first instance of the game works as a server.

    It is even possible to have multiple servers open for different world or area instances.

    You can also have a seperate project work as the server.

    Only thing I don't believe is possible is dynamically creating and destroying server shards in realtime.

  • I came into this thread thinking I somehow missed construct have a tablet version haha.

    But yes, it is great that it easily works from a USB and projects are easy to take and open on other computers.