Well I don't know what you do or don't know but here are some things to try:
Animations. And making them have an impact. Stealth, prone, jumping, pulling pushing, etc
Paper doll. Overlay and make use of multiple weapons/items and outfits.
Multiplayer. Many things you can use this object for. Even some creative ways to make singleplayer games with it. Have a server running a persistent world. Offload heavy logic away from the core game. Etc.
Something I recently have been playing with is image points. I have a character and use a number of image points to dynamically change sword angles and position during animations. This lets me swap weapons and they are instantly animated with believable motions.
Take simple things and learn to master them in new ways.
Basically, how I "learn" is think of a concept or idea and make it happen. Or at least try to
Try and take the things you know, and apply them differently.