Tylermon's Forum Posts

  • Ive always placed items into groups. Having a very organized item list is important. That means many overlapping lists as well. That means monster specific groups. Location specific groups. player level specific groups. The possibilities are limitless.

    Lets pretend I have 6 items




    -magic essence

    -beginner weapon


    I could break that up into 3 groups

    group one




    group two


    -magic essence


    group three


    -beginner weapon

    lets say I have two enemies



    kobold can pick from group one and group three

    slime can pick from group two and group three.

    Each group gets its own drop %

    lets say there is a chest.

    the chest can contain loot from groups one two and three

    I would decide probabilities for each group based on chest location. Those groups already have the item chance within the group pre-determined.

    I even create groups of groups.

  • Doubt it. Tiny arcade is arduino operated, so a c/c++ language.

    construct is html5 based.

    The most I think you could do is remote control a html5 game where the arduino connects to a server to send controller commands and stuff.

    I dont follow arduino much though. Try searching around if you can run html5 on an arduino or play html5 games or something.

    long story short, you probably have to do a lot of code yourself for the arduino to make it happen.

  • I made a very rough and quick version of how I would do gestures. feel free to give it a try/look.

    I suggest clicking once before doing anything. This clears the screen.

    browser test


    password: construct


    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/583 ... 0test.capx


    Some explanation of that implementation. Basically, I have shapes or gesture symbols created. if the touchpoints follow along the general shape, then a gesture action can be performed.

    If I were to take it a step further I would have the gesture shapes try and resize themselves to see if it can find a better gesture match.

    I would also have the gesture symbol flip and rotate a few times to attempt and find a better match.

    To take the accuracy even further I would place image points on key locations to each gesture and make sure a touch point falls within that area. This would help in accurately determining a gesture.

    Im sure there are also other ways to go about this, but this way is quick and mostly effective.

  • I solved the browser issue. For some reason I can't choose the browser from file-preferences/settings

    I had to choose the browser from the project properties.

    Still no luck on getting external devices to connect though. Any ideas what might be the cause? I've made sure the port is open and forwarded. I've tried to connect my phone while on wifi and on cellular, didn't make a difference. Also attempted both the public IPv4 and local network IP's with no luck.

  • I would guess the network configuration of your system/LAN was changed. AFAIK the C2 preview server is working fine for everyone else.

    What I really can't figure out though is why I can't choose the browser I want it to use, which is why I'm left thinking something must be going on with the construct side of things.

    I'm def going to look into my own router and network settings further, but think there's another issue going on here.

  • This is very frustrating, especially because I have NEVER had an issue in the past. Ive properly port forwarded. Have all correct IP's and ports specified.

    My preview server is not working. I used to click play/preview, the game opens on my browser of my choosing and I can then connect to the browser on my phone or tablet by typing in the ip.

    This no longer works.

    In fact, I cant even choose my browser. No matter what browser I choose chrome opens up. I even did the custom browser option and directed it to a firefox exe file. It opened up chrome.

    I would love a solution, Im getting very close to completion on my project...and now I cant easily test things. Exporting and generating xcode, then installing on my phone each time is NOT a solution.

  • Well, Ive added another character and some basic grass into my original post. This character has been fun to work with. Cant say they will make it in game...Im just playing around figuring out a style that works well for me.

    I think im going to end up using the more detailed sprites. They seem like a fun learning experience if anything.

    I also feel going more detailed can make a more memorable world and characters.

    Regrettably I have run across a major issue though....My animations in Construct2 get broken.

    In unity and game maker my animations are smooth and look as I intend.

    In construct2 however, I think it renders things differently because the animations are not smooth.

    Best way I can describe it, Gamemaker/unity render pixels in between pixels?

    I really cant think of a way to fix this in construct....I even tried increasing how many frames my animations had in hopes for a smoother result. No luck.

    See for yourselves...the animations create lines in how they are rendering. Purely an optical illusion as pixels are shifting and moving....however the effect does not exist in the other game engines.

    If people have tips on removing that effect I would greatly appreciate it.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/583 ... index.html

  • https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58392676/New%20projectt/index.html

    I cant choose which style looks best for a pixel art type isometric and platformer game. I am hoping for some feedback on the two different characters. Actual in game size will probably be the middle pair and the right pair.

    The clothes, especially the shorts need some work...I sort of added them last second because I'm first designing the characters ***** Playing with some paperdoll/clothing options.

    I may go with a different look entirely as I am currently experimenting with animations using mesh deformations. Currently it is working great with the pixel art animating tests ive done so far.

    I also may find out that the current character design might not work best in an isometric game world. My current thought on the characters are they are twice as tall as my game tiles will be.

    Meaning collisions take place only in the lower half of the image(in isometric mode)

    The reason I currently have two styles is for the two different views. I cant decide If I want a single model for both views, or if one model looks best for a platformer view and the other looks best for isometric. I'm not really sure >.<

    Anyways thats why im posting this to make use of the collective brains on the internet. Spit forth your thoughts!

    Also, this is my first ever attempt at doing art myself which adds to my self criticism. Usually pay for others to make it. This is what I get for trying something new I guess.

  • well its a new day and a new year! Sadly, the issue came back so I really dont know what to do for an actual solution to whatever is going on.

    switched to windows build 1511 (KB3116278)

    Everything seems to be working now. So I dont believe it was actually a graphic driver issue.

    Hopefully this is the complete fix.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Good news! The problem has been fixed.

    tried everything you guys said and then some. Almost decided to give up or do a clean windows install.

    In the end...

    I'm assuming my geforce experience/my graphics drivers were the cause. Corrupted damaged who knows. Going through all my folders to delete and free up space, removing unwanted things... There were a handful of drivers/downloaded files in my nvidia folders, so i deleted and tried doing a fresh install on that. Still using the same driver build but C2 works now. Might have been some issue from going from a previous driver. I tend to run beta drivers so honestly cant say the underlying cause. My current driver is not even beta.

    C2 was the only program being affected which I find very odd. Oh well...

    Thanks for the help!

  • I forgot to add - when you uninstall c2, do you delete all of your plugins that remain on the c drive in the exporters folder? It could be that one of them is corrupt.

    Deleted all of it when uninstalled and installed it fresh :/

    Very odd because I never had issues in the past. Didnt use my computer for quite a few months so nothing has changed besides a new powersupply haha. Other than that i guess windows updated and stuff. Seeing as it was like 4 months behind due to a dead psu.

    Perhaps I should throw in an Ashley

  • Standalone. stable

    I have completely uninstalled

    Checked %appdata% and it didnt have anything.

    ran ccleaner and it did its magic.


    Still not working.

  • Sadly a new installation did not fix the problem.

    Tried turning antivirus off, that didnt help.

    Running latest drivers. installed 64bit.

  • Cant launch Construct or open any projects.

    In task manager it does create a background process for C2 but thats about it. Actual application wont open.

    Running windows 10. Havnt had any issues in the past.