Tomycase's Forum Posts

  • Frames 1-4* as I used loopindex+1, but yes this one is made with the idea that there's as much frames that there's instances;

    For a pool based on the total number of frames (still excluding frame 0), this does the job :

  • To be fair instance picking can be tricky in C2 and C3 so it's worth the head-scratching;

    Btw I over-complicated it, you don't need a function or an array to achieve the shuffle, try this :

  • You can also try the self-calling function method, where you set up a function that will go through a random instance that hasn't been randomized, set its frame and move to the next instance

    Example capx :

  • Your welcome!

  • Alright I made an example capx, feel free to change the distance/speed values to fit your needs, but that should solve your problem (works with multiple enemies instances) :

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  • No i mean, was it meant to activate a random enemy if many enemies are on screen?

    Also, what's the Line of Sight distance you used?

  • And what about the "Pick at random" condition? What's the effect you're trying to achieve with it?

    Also what's the Line of Sight reach?

  • So the enemy stays still, enters a short ALERT phase when detecting the player, then start moving toward them; Once close enough, if the player is not attacking already, the enemy will attack, did I get everything right?

  • I see many issues in your events logic, can you describe me how your enemies are supposed to behave exactly? I'll make an example capx, that will be easier than writing an essay;

    If possible link me your capx file, that'll be faster to edit

  • Hello, thanks for the detailed answer, I'm not sure how to apply that solution yet, but I hope to manage it eventually; also I guess that to make a list of said objects you need to use an array?

    Also a lot of people says that Javascript is easy to learn, but I easily get overwhelmed by script languages (the main reason C2 was easy for me to pick up and learn), but I'm progressing slowly

  • What are the events for the ATTACK state of an enemy? This is probably where the problem is

  • Hello, you need to use the "For Each" condition at top of event 27 to be able to pick the enemies correctly and compare their distance separatly

  • Hello there, lately I've been learning how to create behaviors, and I was looking into the solid detection for behaviors like Platform and 8Directions;

    I understand that these behaviors use this.runtime.testOverlapSolid(this.inst) to test if overlapping a Solid, but is there a way to check if the overlapped Solid object has a variable or property (similar to C3 collision tags) to prevent the object to be pushed out and ignore the solid instead?

    I know how to create properties for a behavior in "edittime" and "runtime", I just don't know how to use it in that specific case.

    Thanks in advance (I'm still a beginner with javascript)

  • Hello, can you post a screenshot of your enemy code? Or if you feel like it, share your project? Thanks

  • A question : is the red circle position calculated from the curve? Or is the curve calculated from the red circle position?