Tomycase's Forum Posts

  • For camera management I usually prefer to use a separated camera object that follows the player, it's easier to then do stuff like moving the camera away from the player or even add some offset, so the player is not centered in specific situations.

  • I think I understand yeah, I'll try to join the Discord, thanks a lot for your help~

  • Hey, thanks for your answer, would you know how to do that? Or someone who could help? My knowledge of javascript is way too basic to understand how effects are coded

  • Hello there, I recently noticed that the Scroll effect made by Somebody, which allow for a texture to scroll automatically over time worked fine in preview, but had a huge offset issue after export, and I am looking for someone with enough effect scripting knowledge that could help me investigate the cause of it, as it is a very useful effect with various application; here's the Drive link :

    Thank you in advance!

    (I would gladly upload gifs to compare the preview and export results but Giphy doesn't seem to work)

  • Hello, I didn't mean event sheet name duplicate, but event sheet inclusion duplication, for example (using your screenshot) have event sheet 1 included twice in event sheet 2

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  • Hello there, I was messing with the event sheet inclusion, and noticed that you can copy/paste an included sheet multiple time with ctrl+c/ctrl+v;

    I can see some useful usage of that, but at the same time the fact you cannot do that by using the "Include Event Sheet" prompt makes me think it might not be intented, anyone could confirm it or what kind of side effect it could have?


  • Hey there, are you familiar with the lerp() and unlerp() expressions? They could help to solve your problem

  • Alright so, for your background, you could use a sprite with animation frames and set the frame to the current level, for skill unlock, you could use a function that trigger when a level is complete and have a condition for each level that unlocks a skill;

    Now when it comes to your events logic, try this :

    On Left button Clicked + Jugador is SubidaDeLevel : Set SubidaDeLevel to false + timescale to 1 + Set menu invisible

  • Hello there ~

    First thing I noticed is that you have these events duplicated for each level, you could have a single event group instead, that would simplify your system; What are the families "Nivel2" and "Nivel3" for? Can you post a screenshot of that menu if possible?

  • Hello there, use the "Every X seconds" condition while "Left mouse button is held down" to repeat the action periodically

  • In that case it shouldn't be hard to make the cursor glow instead of the tile itself

  • If you want the player position to glow on the map, use a sprite that follow player position, a cursor if you want, then play with blend modes, effects and sine or sprite animation to create a glow effect

  • I also recommend tilemap, it's also easier to save it as TilesJSON to load its current progress state whenever needed, and if it requires animated tiles for specific spots, you can always spawn animated sprite tiles in the wanted spots by comparing tiles ID

  • Hello R0J0hound, had to create a new topic as the original is too old now; I discovered the plugin yesterday and while I understand how it works (the offset and sub texture), I'm not sure how to put it in practice, what are the advantages of using that plugin exactly? Thanks for your time ~

  • I didn't know that Paster could apply the blend mode of objects when pasting them, I will try that

    EDIT : it indeed works, I learnt something useful today, thanks!