Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • In CC I'd use an .INI or Hashtable. In C2...I dunno lol. I used to use arrays but tying a value with x,y coordinates is silly and I quickly learned there are better ways to go about this.

  • Candescence Indeed but the current slope detection is pretty wonky as it is. The player might "hop" down slopes and/or move at inconsistent speeds.

  • Can you post a .capx showing the problem?

    The problem with small objects, especially at low framerates, is often they can simply step entirely past a barrier. For example an object travelling at 600 pixels/sec at 30 fps is travelling 20 px per frame. If it is only 5x5, it's actually "teleporting" in steps 4 times bigger than itself every frame, and this means it could entirely jump over another 5x5 object without registering a collision.

    However, this is no reason for objects to be floating above other objects, so a .capx would be useful.

    I might just be talking out of my ass here but what about using loops for pixel-perfect or instant-hit bullets? Could something similar be applied for the platform behavior's collision detection?

    Here's an example I whipped up.

  • For the time being... (Assuming collision tile hotspot is at the top left)

    To fix player falling into / hovering over the ground a pixel or two

    +Player is on floor

    +Overlaps Collision Tile

    -Set Player.Y to Tile.y

    To fix wonky left & right wall collisions

    +Player overlaps Tile

    +Player has wall to right

    +Player is not mirrored

    -Set Player.X to Tile.X

    +Player overlaps Tile

    +Player has wall to left

    +Player is mirrored

    -Set Player.X to Tile.X+Tile.Width

    These might fix some of those other problems too.

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  • I dunno about all that, but basic slopes, collisions, and moving platform interaction could be improved. You can tidy em up with events but you can only go so far.

    Yeah the C2 platform behavior doesn't have everything the CC one did but I'm kind of glad to be honest ^^; there were a lot of useless properties.

  • Yeah it actually turned out to be a problem on my end ^^; I reset all of the audio settings and everything was fixed.

  • Scirra Press Kit

    Might be something of interest in there.

    Ashley Tom Is it ok to use Press Kit contents in games or are they strictly for articles, etc.?

  • Maybe next year. I don't think any C2 games can compete with that just yet ^^;

    Then again, Reborn Horizon's trailer didn't even show one second of actual gameplay. Must be amazing. *cough*

  • Ok so we all know you can set objects' timescales independently from the game's timescale.

    So, in theory, you could pause the entire game (set timescale to 0) yet have certain objects remain active (set their timescales to 1) right? Wrong :<

    After tinkering around for a bit I got this to work by moving an object using n*self.dt instead of n*dt, then setting the timescale to 0 and the object's timescale to 1.

    Works great.


    Is that the right way to do this?

    If that's the case, then every object you want to remain active when the game's timescale is 0 would have to be programmed using self.dt instead of just dt, which in a sense makes just dt obsolete, which makes me feel like I'm not doing this right.

  • Using a different layout for each room is the last thing you want to do here o.o;

    Someone posted a zelda room + room transition example here a while back, but they didn't use delta time. Might try searching for it.

  • Sounds tacky.

  • I dont see why not. Cavestory isnt that big. Only thing id be concerned about is the loading time.


    I feel your pain lol. Apparently it's something I did, but I don't believe it :\</p>

  • Add Online Multiplayer features now and you'll get 100 canceled MMOs. XD In my opinion the editor itself, event sheets features, a debugger, effects, and image editor tools are of higher priority. Oh, and of course better tilemap support :)

  • :

    Well if I edit the backgrounds to a ^2 size, quadruple the window size & layout scale, make my own parallaxing backgrounds, and position the HUD manually, I guess it'll be okay. The game will be stuck in 4x resolution however, since you can't change the window size during runtime.

    Would you suggest I do that or wait it out and hope for a later solution? The slightly blurry graphics are somewhat tolerable..

    edit: lmao even that's blurry. It's not as noticeable though. Probably not worth the trouble..