Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Well the icon only appears after the user himself inverts the condition so naturally you will automatically associate the two. As such, it can be a freaking triangle and still make sense; the user doesn't have to look at the icon and figure out what it means. You're looking too into it O_o;

  • Thanks for elaborating, Tulamide. I was on my phone and didn't want to type all of that out ^^;

  • Might be able to make your own letterboxing to cover up that extra space. Didn't Ashley mention something about adding that at some point?

  • Can't you attach ("pin") spritefont to an object? If not then nevermind. Pretty sure spritefont is the only way to do this unless you make your own text system :\</p>

  • You can do that using Lucid's Spritefont plugin. Konjak and him talked about this exact thing around page 4 in the spritefont topic (I had to figure this out too a while back.)

    I had a hard time pulling it off without the game crashing though; spritefont is kind of unstable..maybe make your own? R0j0 made a C2 example on bitmap fonts that should translate ok.

  • You're better off using a tiled bg object for your tileset and image offset to get your tiles!

  • I use different frames and animations in a single object whenever possible but you might want to use different objects and families here. Same object collision/comparison can get messy.

  • In my ever so humble opinion..

    MMF2 is more powerful in *almost* every aspect due to its age and exposure but is hindered by piss-poor, archaic designs that make for a generally unpleasant experience. Also, said "power" heavily relies on questionably stable 3rd party extensions and such; the program itself hasn't changed a whole lot since 1994. I'm serious.

    CC might be a tad weaker here and there but is ultimately superior to MMF2 due to its thoughtful designs and features. However, it's kinda slow, often buggy, and lacks some the ease-of-use you'll find in C2. If it wasn't tied to Windows and abandoned I'd use nothing else.

    C2..C2 is tricky. It's lightning-fast, clean, well-designed, and has lots of great features to make your life easier and development faster. I want to recommend it more than anything but I think HTML5 is holding it back considerably. You trade off expansive, powerful, feature-rich games and tools for, well, whatever you can cram into a smartphone or browser. In my opinion multi-platform support means nothing when it cripples everything else. (Hell I don't even think HTML5 REALLY means multi-platform..It can just run games in browsers, and all platforms support browsers..therefore HTML5 games run anywhere.) But of course "HTML5 is young and constantly growing"..I just think that by the time it really gets good, all the desired exporters and that which comes with them could've been finished already..but that's another topic..moving on..

    Hopefully this helps and doesn't sound too biased; I've used both Clickteam & Scirra software extensively. It just comes down to whichever is more appropriate for you!

  • Construct 2 or MMF2...hmm...Construct Classic!

  • This is what the anchor behavior is for, but hey, whatever works :)

  • Can we at least get a 'reset group' action? Groups don't reset when going to the same layout. It's a real pain to keep up with all of them..

  • Chrome is definitely the best. Firefox is not too far behind.

    Better yet, might want to check this out.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads


    The discussion about using frames of animation for flahing was specifically for solid color flashing, and NOT invisibility flashing.

    The whole point of behaviors is to reduce the need for events. The whole point of Construct is to reduce production time and let people spend more time and energy being creative with the least programming grunt work.

    I'm glad Ashley is making the already useful Flash behavior drastically more useful. Saving our time and effort so we can make better games faster ad with less events is never "entirely unnecessary" the same way that Construct is not "unnecessary" because we have C,Java, Action Script, Basic etc.

    I know. I'm just saying that using extra solid-color frames is completely unnecessary as you will be able to do that with shaders and toggling a boolean variable. You also mentioned invincibility frames being difficult w/o the requested Flash Behavior features so I thought I'd chime in on that as well. Maybe I misunderstood what you said, if that's so then sorry.

    for a fully animated platformer or fighting game player it would be a massive waste of vram and file space to have flashing versions of every animation etc...AH HA! How about flashing between two render modes! Like you can designate: appearance 1 and appearance 2 instead of just "visible" and "not", and each appearance could be set to either invisible or any of the current rendering modes (ink effects)

    That would be incredible!

    That is entirely unnecessary O_o; Invincibility frames are as simple as..

    +Player gets hit

    +Player.Hurt = 0

    -Set Player.Hurt to 1

    -Flash Player

    +Player.Hurt > 0

    -Add 60*dt to Player.Hurt

    +Player.Hurt > 60

    -Set Player.Hurt to 0

    -Stop Flashing

    And to "flash" a shader effect you can toggle a boolean value while Player.Hurt > 0 that activates / deactivates the effect(s).