Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • True but that's a bit tacky and harder to pull off for something like "scrolling" fog on the topmost layer. I'm more interested in using it for tilesets, anyway. Individual frames is not the answer.

  • With the introduction of WebGL shaders in r100, will we be seeing the return of the "Image Offset" feature Tiled BGs had in Construct Classic as well? It was ideal for tilesets, infinitely scrolling backgrounds, etc.

    Better yet, could this be implemented as a shader that could work on not just Tiled BGs, but other objects as well?

  • 1)This should be in Tools/Resources

    2)Use GXSCC and chiptune artists will hate you forever. This is fact.

    Juuuust saying.

  • Kind of a crappy article if you ask me. It's somewhat misleading and incredibly vague.

  • Scirra has officially said that PhoneGap is unsuitable for making games.

    Should probably remove it from C2 entirely in that case.

  • LAN preview is pretty much useless. It's a quick way to see your game "running" on a mobile device but that's about it.

    If you want your C2 game on mobile devices you should look into CocoonJS. That's where it's at :)

  • There are thousands of musicians offering these services already. It's kinda what they do lol. Having a direct service like this on the Scirra site would be kind of cool I guess, but also impractical.

  • Practice practice practice.

    ..and observing other pixel art.

  • No problem :)

    Here's a 2 event version using ternary operation. I'm bored ^^;

    Example2 .capx

  • You can achieve this by using "Is overlapping at offset".

    Here's an example I whipped up.

    Example .capx

    Basically just checks if there is a floor a certain distance to the right or left depending on the direction it's moving and then changes directions accordingly.

  • Nice little game so far. I like the music and the generally happy theme. The level design, while simplistic, is nice as well. I can never figure out what I'm doing with my levels lol.

    My only complaint is the animations and lack of juice�, as well as some of the movements. It's all very stiff. It's just weird to see graphics like this without the smooth vector animations and effects to compliment them. However, the game is still in early development so0o.

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  • So long as it's not a bullet hell shmup or something you should be fine. Just be aware of all you're adding per layout and heed the optimization tips. There are already more performance intensive C2 games than the ones you linked to.

    Oh, and use Chrome. The .exe exporter will allegedly have even better performance too.

  • Or...use a grid when making your spritesheets.

  • I agree. However, if you get into the habit of playing sounds & music by name then all you have to do is delete the old files and import the new ones with the same name. A replace/update file option would still be nice, though.