Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • Well, in terms of VRAM, using a 1x1 tiled BG in favor of a 1024x60 sprite would be wise.

  • Sorry for any confusion. What I'm looking for is the equivalent to CC's "set display resolution" which alters the "window size" parameter in the project properties. My game's resolution is 256x224 but the level editor is much larger; I can't switch to it during runtime without this feature, nor preview it in C2 without adjusting the window size parameters by hand every time.

    I thought "set canvas size" would do the trick but it doesn't work the same as "set display resolution."

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  • Is it possible to change the window size at runtime? If not, can this feature please be added?

    My level editor and game are in the same project, and I have to keep changing the window size when going from one to the other because the editor is much larger. On top of that, I have to re-export the project with the level editor as the first layout + the larger window size for team members to be able to use it.

    You can change the canvas size but it doesn't seem to be the same.

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  • Bump for justice.

  • Are there any plans to allow arrays, hastables, audio etc. to read from & write to disk? I figured this would've been added in r100 with the .exe exporter but I guess not. The age of custom level editors / much better external file management in general is nigh!

  • Count me in. That's nice suggestion.

    But for now there's a bigger issue with zooming.

    > 1. Zoom.

    > Could be more uniform: 100%,125%,150%...

    > now is more like: 100%, 110%, 121%, 133% - using mouse scroll

    > And it's impossible to set ie. 200% zoom

    That's my quote for a post I made almost year ago... still hoping it will be fixed Ashley ;P

    You can get to 200% zoom by pressing Ctrl+0 (zooms to 100) and then ctrl+shift+mousewheel up (zooms by the 100).

  • No one is paying $2900 because no one will make over $100k. If by some miracle you do, you pay what, less than 3%? Quit be so incredibly selfish; if you had team mates you`d be paying them A LOT more. Maybe even half of your profits. Just saying.

  • That's just how point sampling works; it rounds to the nearest whole pixel, whereas linear sampling anti-aliases the sprite for smoother movement/scaling/rotation. Most 8 or 16 bit games didn't even use scaling spare like..Yoshi's Island or Metroid: Fusion and other GBA/DS games. Definitely not NES Megaman.

  • Oh, my bad. I use it in conjunction with the color replace shader so I can retrieve colors from palette images instead of entering the RGB values by hand. It's a huge time saver. I suppose it is sort of a niche feature but there are probably more useful things that can be done with it.

    Also thanks for adding the color replace shader! I was getting worried for a second there :)

  • Hmm well in CC I used it for swapping palettes and even rapid palette shifting on 3+ objects at once without any noticeable performance hits. Didn't seem to affect performance whatsoever, really. Can upload a video if you want :) I suppose it might be worse in C2 though. I understand your concern about people misusing it, but there are already many things that can cause performance issues if not used properly. Perhaps a warning could be issued if it really is that bad?

  • So the 74 shaders we got in r100 are totally awesome and so forth (no, really, I've been messing with them for like 2 hours straight ^^;) but there is no color replace shader as seen in CC. There were 6 paramaters; old RGB and new RGB. It was perfect for changing certain colors on a sprite, and palette shifting (think NES Megaman / NES Megaman charging).

    Is anyone else in need of / willing to write such a shader?

    (To my knowledge "set color" is the closest effect so far, but it affects the entire sprite. Cloning the sprite numerous times, erasing 1 color each, stacking them, and applying the set color effect seems to be the only option right now, but that's pretty inefficient.)

    Also, the Image Manipulator object in CC allowed you to retrieve the RGB value of a point on an image. Like if the color was solid blue on the x,y coordinates (5,10) it would return 0,0,255. It was great for using actual palette images instead of entering the RGB values by hand. Is that possible in C2? I haven't really kept up with the 3rd party plugins so..

  • Yeah I was wondering the same thing. Every game I've looked at has some drawn-out tutorial with VO and automation which pretty much turned me off from he whole thing. Very tedious :\</p>

  • Well I was told Image Offset wouldn't even be possible until shaders are added, and figured it'd be easier to implement as a shader than build in to the Tiled BG itself.

    As far as it only working on Chrome and FF...well, ya don't really want people playing your game on other browsers anyway ^^; Plus there's the .exe exporter (and Mac/Linux possibly) which I'll probably use exclusively for various reasons.