TheWindmiller's Forum Posts

  • Actually is there anyplace I can see this and other features that are being planned as I had no idea that this was planned.


    EDIT: Oh never-mind, i saw

  • A new feature alternative to what Tag Text does? Ha, cool, I didn't know that - thanks for the heads up!

    Well I guess I'll wait, this sounds pretty cool.


  • Hi guys.

    I just bought Construct 3 and am trying to migrate my massive project to it from C2. I'm using a rex plugin called TagText. It's a great plugin and there is a converted version for C3. The issue is that when you insert an image and then call it in the text, it's not the single image that appears but a whole sprite sheet.

    For example if I create a new project and use the plug in, and have only one sprite which I then define as a tag...when calling it in a tag text object it appears to be fine. However, if I insert a second different image in the project, just create it without defining a tag with it, nothing at all, when I call the same Tag of the previous image in the text, both images appear because they are clustered on a single sprite sheet.

    Now I asked Rex about this issue but he said he is no longer supporting these plugins as he's left Scirra. And I don't know how to code to fix it so I wonder, is there a way to opt out sprites from being clustered in sprite sheets. No other solution comes to mind.

    Any ideas?

  • I love this functionality... I tested it extensively in the free version. Can't wait to jump to the full version but I'm still waiting for a chance to convert some FXs and plugins....anyway.

    My question is, when I create a sprite for example with the Create By Name, and then I can proceed to change stuff, like lets say opacity (in the immediate actions below the create by name one in the same event) of the sprite I know I have Created by name for the purpose of me getting a feel of how it works exactly. But if this sprite is in a family (something i cannot currently test in the free version), if I create a unknown object which I know to be part of a family, will the subsequent actions referencing the family in the same event be relevant to the object created by name?



  • Hey, thanks, I appreciate the answer.


  • OK, well, of course I wish you guys the best and don't feel this is in anyway a realistic and imminent threat. Would also like to mention I have no issue with the subscription model, so don't take this the wrong way.

    Anyway. Never mind.


  • OK, I have what some would perceive an odd question, and may even be common knowledge and/or established procedure that I'm not aware of, but its contents carry significance in my specific (I'd imagine others' as well) plans.

    I'm knee deep one year developing a sort of... engine within Construct for a series of games. Rather large, epic turn based combat, dynamic tile lights, complex dialogue trees, AI, character sprite customization, spells, stealth systems...etc. I look at what C3 has to offer and I love it. Truth be told all I'm waiting for is the full SDK so I can convert some stuff before jumping to C3... but that's another topic.

    To get to the point, what I'm trying to say is that currently I'm investing in a complex template for a lot of games. What will happen, if by some reason or another the project gets discontinued and I can no longer purchase a yearly license for C3? Is all my work discarded so to say?

    I know I'm talking about a rather grim and currently non realistic scenario...still, I would love to know. No disrespect meant.

    Thanks and keep doing what you guys are doing!


  • Thanks for the clarification.

    I'll be tracking this closely.


  • Hey guys

    Just to make sure I get the current status quo. I have this custom FX shader for construct 2, which is basically a mashed up Brightness, Grayness, and Tint into one single FX, that I use in my project. I really want to move to C3 but I can't find a way to convert this FX that I use heavily. Can anyone tell me how to go about doing this, and if its even possible at all for the moment?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Yeah, that might really work. I'm gonna try it out right now!

    Thanks a billion !

  • Hey, this looks great! Thanks! I have to ask though...will this work if there are multiple separate dictionaries all doing the same thing? Some of the objects's UIDs can be in several dictionaries...will this work none the less?

    Thanks again!


  • Hey guys

    I really need to do this and I can't seem to pull it off.

    I have a dictionary object which has keys with the values that are essentially UIDs of other objects. I need to pick all the objects which have their UIDs as values in the dictionary and then I need to pick highest of some var between the picked instances from the object... In short I need to pick objects with the help of a dictionary and then compare the picked objects between themselves...can I do this?


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  • So far seems pretty sweet, I have a quick question though... Can't get to use the separate Monitors as promised. What am I missing, can't detach like a pop up window the layout view (as the example in the blog post) and drag it to the other monitor. Is this functionality available in the beta? And also, is the sprite sheet functionality available as well? I really want to see how it works.


  • P.S. By nodes I mean a custom sprite (and invisible in runtime) object I created for this purpose, not hte actual pathfinding node.

  • They way I've handled this is...might seem a bit of an overkill, but in my particular situation it worked fine. I have a pather object, which has the pathfinding behaviour - seperate from the real object I want to move. When I want to go someplace, the pather objects goes in that direction(NOTE: it is invisible and moves quite faster than the actual Object), updating its path frequently, and also leaving numbered nodes (set a var to nodes.cout + 1) on its trail on every now & then. Then I make the actual object follow the nodes (by updating its position by some pixels) always picking the lowest Node No, and destryoing each upon colliding with them. This way the pather can stop on every update, but as long as the actual object does not go faster than the pather, it would move quite smoothly.

    Hope this makes sense.
