TabloidA's Forum Posts

  • looks great so far

  • ThePhotons Hey was just checking out the various Photon Plugin settings. I noticed the "HostType" option and saw that one of the options under that was "SelfHost". So from seeing this, is it possible to use the IP of a server I already own through the Photon Plugin? And if yes, would that eliminate the need to purchase a Photon package that has more CCU? I don't want to take money from you guys, I just can't afford any of it atm and already have a server that I keep hosted when I need it.

  • I could improve the graphics...

    I think the graphics are what give a cute appeal to this game

    Don't even think about changing them, great game!

  • Working on UI...

    Full thing here.

  • Yeah, a plugin with Photon's simplicity crossed with the Multiplayer object's capabilities would be the perfect package.

  • Savvy001 Alright, here's what I have currently:

    The opposing player is now in fact destroyed, except it doesn't need to be hit by the bullet to do so. Right when I press Shift.

    It seems I need to find a way identify that the bullet hits only the enemy, because I'm sure what's happening currently is that it's looking for ANY instance of the player to get hit. An easy work around to this though could be to make two separate Player instances for both teams?

  • OK guys - this plugin seems really awesome...


    .....Thanks guys!

    I will agree with what mudmask said. This plugin makes Multiplayer MUCH simpler to implement, but the latency seems to be inferior to the Multiplayer object built into C2. That could possibly be a server thing like you said Mud, because it does say on the Photon site that the free server should mainly be used for testing and developing.

    I haven't managed to get as bad of a lag issue as you have (Although I still get slight stuttering). How often do you have the movements of the player being updated?

  • Savvy001

    Alright, I'll try this out and I'll come back to say if it worked or didn't work. Thanks for the help

  • Savvy001

    Thanks for the reply. I'm currently working on a 2D platformer shooter. Each player has a gun they can fire, which is a projectile with the Bullet behavior. Firing the bullet itself is synced up nicely, it's just collisions I need to figure out.

    If it helps anymore, I have two teams the player can pick from. Depending on what team they're on, they have a different colored bullet object that sends it's own events etc

  • Been working with this Plugin for a few days now, great work!

    One question, I've been working on trying to make collisions between players' bullets and the players. Anyone have any suggestions on how to approach doing this? I've already done some research on the Photon forums. Whenever I try to run the project and test it out, at times both players on the screen will "die" if a bullet is shot etc.

    Anyone know the best way to set up collisions like that? Thanks in advance

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  • Been a while since I've seen a website made with Construct 2 that actually works well! Nice work on this.

  • My only complaint is that when you restart you shouldn't have to start the ENTIRE level over from scratch (like pushing buttons and things). It can get pretty frustrating after a while. And while I understand that's what you're going for, you still need to make it enjoyable while still frustrating. Great work so far though

    Edit: This is after playing the singleplayer mode

  • Gah, can't get over the monster design, it's amazing! I really love the atmosphere in this game. Great work so far

  • ahh I see what you meant now after making that capx. Works perfectly, thx!