TabloidA's Forum Posts

  • Getting a strong Nuclear Throne feel from this, I love it!

  • Thanks, I already had something like that set up initially, but all of the sprites are still effected when I try to move at that point.

  • Currently I have it set up so that I have duplicates of the same sprite and if I click on one of them, the camera focuses on it and I can control it. The only issue is, when I can control it, it controls/moves all the others as well. Is there a way to make a movement function that will only apply to the selected duplicate sprite?

    Currently using the Platform behavior for the duplicate sprites. Any help is greatly appreciated

  • I have to honestly say, I'm quite jealous of this project of yours x)

    You've gotten more done than I have in a few weeks! (Need to fix that procrastination issue )

    Looks awesome though! Keep us posted on what you intend to do next with it

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  • Yeah, I'll try a few things later and respond back with an answer (just in case others are interested in this too )

  • Yeah, but does it target only the single instance of the object that's overlapping? Or won't all of the objects be selected? My situation is that I have duplicate instances of the same object (copy+paste in the editor for now), and I want to select ONLY the one that is overlapping. And then I should be able to retrieve that object's X/Y.

    TL;DR I'm pretty sure that still targets all instances, not just the one. I can't test it currently, since I'm not at a computer.

  • To expand on the Title; If I have multiple of the same object, how do I target (to change the animation of and take the X/Y of) ONLY the instance of the object that is touching the player?

  • Congrats on the successful greenlight!

  • Yeah, commenting so I can follow the progress of this. I've always been interested in dabbling with Procedural Animation. MANY useful links here

  • LOVE the graphics. I'd like to add that repeatedly tapping the crouch key makes the main character do the worm

  • But will you able to play with your friends? Will there be multiplayer?


    Also the game looks great! Played around with the demo on the first post, had some fun

    Are you hoping to eventually add materials that you can collect on each planet? (Sorry if you already answered this in an earlier post)

  • Looks sweet. Congrats on the successful Greenlight

  • Pokemon Kill - Screen Grab.

    I haven't even played it yet and I know I'm going to love it. Possible demo out soon?

  • takamoto, I always love seeing 3D graphics in a 2D engine. It really shows what the Construct 2 is capable of

  • I feel as though a mix between the two would suffice. Fantasy Defender has the xp and spell system, but Rogue Defender has all of the unique new spells and mechanics that make the game fun to play. Mix the two, change a few things, and I'd say you have yourself a game on a good path.