sunfffd's Forum Posts

  • Which touch events are you using? I suppose you should only use "On touch start", not "On tap".

    Hi I am using On Tap Object, then the target is my game object.

    I guess thats the culprit? As tap gesture has a time frame and may not be clearly registered by the interactive screen.

    I'll try the On Touched event. Thanks.

  • I have a game which uses external hardware to detect objects thrown at a screen.

    Kid throwing balls on the screen will trigger touch event on an object and destroy it.

    On the web version it is responsive to the mouse clicks, however on NW.js and with the real interactive hardware it is not as responsive as in the web version.

    The demo game that comes with the hardware was responsive to the events.

    I wonder is there anything I could tweak to increase the responsiveness of the Touch event?

    I am thinking to try adding double tap and hold.


  • The game is exported with following settings

    Kiosk mode - yes

    Resizable window - yes

    Window frame - no

    I have request full screen on start of layout, it switched to full screen successfully.

    Also assigned on Escape keypress to cancel full screen mode

    However it has no effect when key press, how do I do it properly? Thanks.

  • Is there a way to cancel any ongoing System Wait action?

  • Thanks! This works for me

  • How can I pick a fixed number say 5 nearest objects from an object?

  • Is this a Google related problem?

    I am seeing some error related to google API call limit.

  • Hi,

    I have a number of projects stored on Google Drive.

    It seems that when I have one opened, I cannot open the others again with the following error.

    Error while parsing the 'sandbox' attribute: 'allow-storage-access-by-user-activation' is an invalid sandbox flag.

    I have to quit the browser and start again to have it opened.

    I'm using Chrome Version 83.0.4103.97 on Mac Mojave.

  • Thanks I will try this out.

  • I have some global variables in my game to store game settings like stage duration, object spawn rate..etc

    I would like to expose these as a configuration file, so that I can change them "on the fly" without the need to compile the game again.

    What will be the recommended way to do this? JSON? XML?

    I will load the JSON and XML at game start to set these values.


  • Thanks, I found that other references and removed them.

    Lucky that it was just an effect on a few objects.

  • I changed the c3p file to ZIP and extracted the contents.

    Edited the project.c3proj file to remove the plugin.

    Next question is how can I properly ZIP the file again back to c3p?

    I am on a Mac after I compress it as a ZIP I cannot open the project.

  • I have a project that was just created last month.

    And I have the drop shadow add-on from

    I cannot open the project now as it says it's missing the add-on

    The plugin has become [???] in the list, is there are way I can create a dummy plugin and remove it after I open the project?

  • I am using the latest version to export (0.46)

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  • I have a game running on a client's machine.

    The game was overall smooth on Chrome but when it comes to NW.js it is a bit laggy.

    Is there anything I could tweak for the NW.js version ?