sunfffd's Forum Posts

  • Good question. I had the exact same issue. This is how I did it:

    Instead of System -> Go to Layout, I created a function called GoToLayout, and I type in the layout name. What it does is it fades in a Black screen first (0.5 seconds), then shows a nice "Loading..." text then immediately (0.05 seconds later) you do System -> Go to Layout (that layout name as in Function's parameter). This way, it will get stuck yes, but at the Loading... text. An extra thing I did, on every start of every layout a Black screen first fades out. To make it look natural.

    By the way, you cannot have an animated Loading text or logo, because it really will always get stuck.

    For the black screen, I had a small 100x100 black sprite, that fills in from "-1 to ViewportWidth(0) + 1" for both width and height, and a Fade behavior.

    Let me know if that works, or if you need more help.

    Thanks! That does the trick!

  • I have a layout that contains quite a lot of sprites .

    When I go to it from a start screen the game halts to load the image into memory, how can I add somekind of loading screen?

  • I have a playing cards flipping animation that flips the card back and forth. With a keyframe "BackFlipped" reached when the card is hidden in the middle.

    I want to set the Sprite frame according to the current face of the Sprite object when a key frame is reached. So if it's currently showing the back, I will change the frame to the front, vice versa.

    How can I get the object instance set to a Timeline?

  • I have multiple "Playing Cards" sprite on my stage that I want to flip and show different cards

    The back of the card and all card variations are in the same sprite in different frames.

    I created a timeline and made a "flip" animation which shrink the sprite's width and expand it.

    How can I do this in a loop to perform the same routine for all cards?

    - Run flip animation

    - Change the frame number to show the card

    - Run expand animation

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  • I'm planning to develop a number painting game.

    Each image to be painted is actually layers of Sprites that got their own colliders and shapes.

    There could be new contents that can be downloaded in the future.

    I wonder what is the best way to implement this .

    Should I make each of these images a Layout?

    Can Layouts be seriallized and programmatically downloaded into the game?

  • Thanks, finally I have set the layer to be global and have it available across all layouts

  • I have a tutorial screen with a timeline animation. Since the objects in the timeline are instances with specific UIDs, when I copy the items to another layout, they cannot be referenced by the timeline again.

    What is the best way to reuse a timeline and its objects?


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  • I saw there is a Timeline Pause action which you need to specify a tag

    But I dont seem to find where can I tag the whole Timeline?

  • The reason this isn't working is because the conditions that pick the Family object don't also pick the specific Factory object, so your "Factory isDestroyed" condition picks all of the Factory objects.

    There are a few ways to get around this; the simplest is to shift your "isDestroyed" variable to the Family and then change all the conditions and actions referencing the Factory object to the Objects family.

    Another way would be to move all the Factory conditions and actions to a function; then, in the ObjectType = "Factory" subevent, pass the picked Object's UID to the function in a parameter and use that passed UID in the function to pick the Factory.

    Thanks, the UID method sounds good!

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  • that would be a pretty complicated collision mask... but it should work.

    an alternative would be to make simpler cloud shapes, and then combine several to make up a cloud that looks like that - an if you randomise it, you could get different clouds each time.

    If I have multiple instance of the factory objects in my screen, how can I reference only the one that I touch in my actions?

  • I have a number of Factory object instances on my screen, when they are touched, animation will play on the touched instance.

    But now when they are touched, all of the instances will play the animation.

    How can I reference only the object that I touched?

  • The simplest method would be to use the is overlapping condition.

    On touched factory

    ->cound is overlapping factory(inverted), do foo

    Thanks, is the overlapping check determined by the bounding box of the sprite or the collision mask?

  • that would be a pretty complicated collision mask... but it should work.

    an alternative would be to make simpler cloud shapes, and then combine several to make up a cloud that looks like that - an if you randomise it, you could get different clouds each time.

    I found the problem, somehow the collision mask are not correctly set. So the clouds are getting a full rectangular collision box...

    Combining with your solution it works perfectly now.

    Thanks again for everyones help.