sunfffd's Forum Posts

  • Thanks! I have the same key frames on a normal Sprite Object and the opacity tween works on both preview and in game.

    As a workaround for Sprite Font, I am using keyframe tag and On Keyframe Reached event to trigger a Fade behaviour on my Sprite Font

  • I have a Sprite Font object which I want to tween the opacity from 0 to 100 and to 0 again

    In my timeline I have three keyframes on the opacity property, but when I play, the value of the opacity changes but not on the Sprite Font itself

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  • Thanks, removing the mouse event worked.

  • I got an asteroid object with an instance variable of HitCount.

    When clicked, the value will + 1 and also set the sprite to another frame

    However I am also getting an event when releasing the mouse button, causing the HitCount to jump to 2 for a single click.

    How can I prevent this? adding a click time interval check?

  • In the object properties, can I reference the properties directly with code?

    say in Opacity, can I use something like SomeObject.opacity?

  • I figured it out, for some of my event it was comparing System.Time, which keeps counting even if the layout restarts.

    You will need to make another Global variables like GameTime and reset it when the layout restarts.

    Hope it helps.

  • i have the same issue, it wont restart "clean"

  • I have a group of UI objects that will are linked to a container.

    I want to fade them out after a time, how do I implement this?

  • Thanks!

    I managed to make it, also I found that I have previously set the UI image point to the top left corner, thats why the strange anchor.

  • Hi, I want to create a UI shaking effect in my shooting game when player hits something

    My layout size is 854 x 480 and I have enabled Unbounded scrolling.

    I then have a layer with the UI with scale rate 100% and parallex 100% x 100%

    But when run the game, the viewport is anchor in the middle of the screen.

    What should I configure to make this work? thanks.

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