sunfffd's Forum Posts

  • here is a quick sample:

    I gave the family an instance variable to tell the objects apart, but there are other ways too...

    Thanks for the example that's very clear.

    I have some irregular sprites like the cloud covering the factory below

    Do you have any idea on how to detect the touch "through" the empty parts of the clouds?

    I checked the collisions mask but it seems it wont be used for touch detection.

  • I have sprite obstacles in different shapes and sizes covering some other sprite objects in screen

    For example clouds covering a factory, how can I implement some kind of click/ touch mask so that the touch to the factory is ignored when the white part of the cloud is touched?

  • what I do in similar situations is put all the objects in a family, and then when checking for touch, use the family and pick the top instance. Then if it is an obstacle, just ignore it.

    Thanks. Can you show me an event sheet example of how to implement this?

  • If sprite1 not overlapping sprite2.

    Or add a boolean variable to sprite1 and turn to false if is overlap the sprite2, then compare variable.

    Thanks. If I have sprites that has irregular shapes? Can I detect the touch based on the collider?

  • I have a game object for user to touch and destroyed.

    When it is cover by another obstacle, I want the obstacle to block the touch event, how can I implement this?

  • Thanks it works

  • My design provided my a sprite sheet with evenly sized grids.

    Is there a quicker way to slice them automatically into frames without cropping one by one?

  • Thanks I made the conversions and it's all good now

  • I found that when exporting to Windows 32/64

    mp3 files in music folder got ignored, hence cannot be played in the game

    for mp4 videos, they have no sound too (i didnt include a webm file)

    Is this a normal behaviour?

  • I have a mp4 video for a title screen set for looping

    when it ends, there will be a short flicker black screen before it restarts

    how can i remove this flicker?

  • You could put a Browser action 'Log' inside each group to output something to console only if the group is active.

    Thanks, apart from that how can i display errors from the game?

    I found that Audio still plays even my action select the wrong folder. ie, the audio file is in Music folder, but I selected Sound folder.

    This causes inconsistent behaviour on different platforms.

    I'd like to get some errors like "audio not found"

  • I am activating and deactivating groups according to some conditions

    How can I debug them and see their status in runtime?

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  • With Z order in sprite actions.

    I have already send it to the Top, but it is at the top of Layout A

    Layout B still overlaps it when loaded

  • Hi,

    I have two layouts A and B and a Sprite object on Layout A

    which I will animate the Sprite to cover the screen as a transition when I load layout B

    But when I Go to Layout B, the Sprite is covered by Layout B

    How can I set the Sprite object so that it has the highest level above all layout?

  • Good to know! Have a nice day