Sslaxx's Forum Posts

  • Congratulations on being some of the last 0.5% of Windows 2000 users. Sadly supporting really old operating systems is really tough for us developers, since often useful/simple/cool features in newer operating systems aren't supported that far back. And a figure like 0.5% makes it easy enough just to say "we won't do it".

    Windows XP is my physical Windows OS. As I prefer running Linux as my main OS, rebooting all the time just to run Construct is something I'm none too keen on doing. And having Linux as a virtual OS under Windows has its own problems - not least of which is VirtualBox not running well with my combo of XP and hardware and screwing up networking.

    I only run Virtual!2K to try out old apps on and test compatibility. Really should use XP to do that properly now I guess, but my budget ain't stretching far at all right now.

  • What does it actually say?

    "The procedure entry point_aligned_malloc could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll".

    This is with Construct installed (0.99.82), along with the VC runtime.

  • Not sure if it's some VirtualBox issue or not (and I can't verify it without a physical Win2K box), but Construct 0.99.82 falls over and pops up an error message relating to malloc.

  • Ashley: School?

    I make in the school a presentation about construct and use a Windows 2000 pc. * i havent admin permission. -.- *

    You need the directx dll etc. and the vcredist. The vcredist work only for Windows 2000 with SP4

    I'll give that a try. Thanks.

    And thanks for the clarification, Ashley.

  • Before I go wail on Oracle about VirtualBox not supporting Construct under virtual!Win2K, what I'd like to know is... does Construct run on Win2K anyway?


  • Looks an interesting link. Thanks!

  • Why would somebody do that to an open-source project as awesome as Construct!?

    Liji is someone who believes Construct is an illegal version of MMF. He was (as Deadeye stated) the asswipe behind this malware.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • > Something like #include for Construct would be nice...


    Do you mean something different to the existing 'Include event sheet'?

    I have heard though that there's a hot new feature in v0.99.8 which should make this ordeal a lot easier (something about copying events from one .cap to another).

    Yes, I do.

  • Something like #include for Construct would be nice...

  • Make sure to watch it in HD. Same game I was working on a month ago or so, just more stuff now. Things have really progressed.

    Upgraded weapons system with ammo, cooler background now, sfx, music, charged missile system, and some VERY rudimentary enemy AI (right now) that flies at you, shoots, and flies away (either to the background or foreground) after a given amount of time passes. Also the HUD is a little better, and it has some cool SpriteFont effects, for instance typed out gun information whenever you switch weapons,next to the ammo numbers. I don't think anyone will actually read that stuff, but it looks cool on the HUD.

    One thing that isn't in the video is the cool zooming effects. They're still there I just turned them off for the stuff in the middle of the game for some reason while I was recording the video. >_< lol.

    That is looking really, really nice. I agree with the comment on the video about some minor alteration to show which enemies are actually attackable, though. And what will be in place of the ? blocks?

  • This doesn't seem to be working on 0.99.72? <img src=""> is what I'm getting trying to run it.

  • > In that video his frame rate is constantly below 60 also his animations suck.....


    Hey, no need to be offensive about someone's work just because they're using a potentially competing program. Surely how good your animations are doesn't depend on the tool you use?

    I may not agree with the philosophy behind Stencyl, but hey, it's a free world and each to their own. I want to make sure these forums are always a friendly place (which sadly seems quite rare on the internet) - ideally someone from Stencyl, Game maker and such could drop in with a few posts without being shouted down.

    Better than some of the competition, then.

  • Strange changes, to my mind. Usually more users, more messages lead to a bigger forum with more moderators/admins. Construct grows constantly, there is no need to reduce this forum. Maybe, time to increase the number of mods?

    P.S. just my private (paranoid-like) question - are there any reasons out-of-public discussion?

    No, just some parts of the forum have been turned into sub-sections. Doesn't look as if anything's been deleted.

  • Still, it's better than Game Editor's logo... just.

  • I wouldn't really call this free, you know - the so-called "free" edition amounts to nothing more than a demo. Though I wouldn't call the (full) Pro option expensive, either. In either case it's a fancy RAD front-end to devkitARM. Might give the demo a shot, I guess.