Make sure to watch it in HD. Same game I was working on a month ago or so, just more stuff now. Things have really progressed.
Upgraded weapons system with ammo, cooler background now, sfx, music, charged missile system, and some VERY rudimentary enemy AI (right now) that flies at you, shoots, and flies away (either to the background or foreground) after a given amount of time passes. Also the HUD is a little better, and it has some cool SpriteFont effects, for instance typed out gun information whenever you switch weapons,next to the ammo numbers. I don't think anyone will actually read that stuff, but it looks cool on the HUD.
One thing that isn't in the video is the cool zooming effects. They're still there I just turned them off for the stuff in the middle of the game for some reason while I was recording the video. >_< lol.
That is looking really, really nice. I agree with the comment on the video about some minor alteration to show which enemies are actually attackable, though. And what will be in place of the ? blocks?