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  • very nice tower defence game..keep it up nice work

  • icant afford gm cause i have other priorities. anyways you are a waste of my time go to a clinic you need some help...

  • Lordshiva1948 ok i will answer to you having in mind that you are not a troll (cause i doubt about it)

    first of all i test too his game both in my cellphones one with android 4.1 and the other with 5.0.1 (rooted) dual core the first, quad core the other and my tablet (cpu rockchip 3066 4.1 android mali gpu) without a problem at all .

    Egyptoon game is running smoothly..

    Lordshiva1948 Now if you test your game with your samsung s6 and you've got problems sorry to tell you but if my 3 years old tablet and 2 years old smartphone is better than your S6 then i think someone sell you a Chinese S6. If your sure that your phone is not a clone then probably you're lying and i dont find a logical reason for this...

    2nd) with your "experience" and your "Christmas" and "hot baths" its truly a great mistake when you compare 2 products C2 and GM based in their price. You see when you said "some software where there is no value for money" is so ridiculous. Watching games like "hyper light drifter", "titan rush", "crashlands", "savant-ascent" just few of games made with GM with thousands of downloads (except hyper light drifter its still in dev stage) both in steam and android/ios..

    At this moment GM is in another level thats my opinion i cant afford it because of its price and i find it more complicated than C2.

    3rd) maybe you are the owner of IBM sorry i mean ABM that's good for you. Of course in the page of your ABM since 1986 you wrote :

    "We at ABM Computers are very proud and delighted to recommend and highly urge for you to use Construct 2 game developer software for creating games for any platform. Android, IPAD, Tablets, to name few."

    From when tablet is a platform??? tablet uses platforms or operating systems like android, ios, blackberry or windows... not to mention that your employees left your site only with the first page full the other three pages in your site are blank so tell them stop fooling around testing Egyptoon game in their hightech chinese clones S6 and S5 and make some games to promote your company...

    please go troll somewhere else dont be a fanboy and leave Egyptoon say what he thinks. listen to me "i know whats going on"

  • Egyptoon i've downloaded your game and is very smooth. great assets too you've got over 5k downloads so congrats. not too many here have achieved such a number. Well done, What is the difference of two versions c2 and gm? i've download your game in my mobile the c2 version (quad core mali mp400 gpu) and in webgl mode runs smoothly i dont have a weaker phone to check it and see any differences so whats your results?

    Lordshiva1948 sorry but you are very rude why he has to play his tune on yoyo? is here a scirras police squad and you are the chief leader or something?its democracy and he can tell anything he wants he used or even paid for the software and thats gives him the right to tell his opinion.

  • construct 2 for the 100 euros is a real gem.

    At this time i dont want 3d or to say it better i dont care about 3d i know that it will never happens in Construct 3 or c4. Its a decision of scirra's team and i respect that. for 3d i bought tall studio's shoot em up kit (cause this is the genre im interested most "shmup games") and ill buy spark tools when it come out. i also bought q3d plugin i play with it but the lack of video tutorials for long time made me forget about it...but as plugin is great im lazy to learn it nothing wrong with the plugin itself.

    although its kind of funny to tell people use ue4 with blueprints or unity cause even these softwares gives the opportunity with a kind of event system those event systems are much more complicated than scirras event system and in my opinion its for people who know coding or just the basics not the majority of C2 users including me with no coding backround..

    At last i want a C3 with normal maps with better lightinig system with better image editor and better mobile exporters. Smartphones are much stronger than 2012 and i cant see any difference when webgl is on. but maybe its my fault. anyways im developing a metroid/contra inspired game, all assets made with blender and a lot of work is done but at this time i dont even think about to export it for mobiles cause i feel very unsecure for it. only for desktops. this unsecurity i think its the major problem of c2 when it comes to mobile exports even newcomers to c2 asking how it is performing to mobiles cause they read the same things for a long time now.

    i hope we have some official updates for the current state of c3 and some details that will make some difference. Until then i will continue my game

  • there is a lot to be done with c3 and of course the sky is the limit. I dont understand some people here with the argument that scirra is only a couple of guys. Telling this whats your point?That they are incapable to do next level things? when i say next level things i mean the possibility of 3d objects (for anyone who wants it) better mobile exports, better image editor, better lighting system, mac linux versions, or whatever anyone wants..

    last day i saw spark engine site they had release an alpha i think and they promise tons of features and the programmer is one guy aris kostakos..So what is really the difference? its only in time i think yes a team can achieve better results in less time but 3 years now we are saying again and again the same things about mobile exportes and nwjs and when c2 will run on mac.

    Ashley i think its time to say what you have in mind for c3 with some details whats the main differences with c2 to make an already buyer of c2 to buy it again.

    At the end of the day, i really dont want to see c3 to be c2 with the updates of a couple of monts in summary.. i dont know if i said it correct cause my english skills are very poor..

    edit if you already gave details about c3 sorry i dont read it so i apologise

  • Shanetastic if out there is a game engine than i can throw all the assets and wiring a usb from the pc to my mind it processes my thoughts of how the game i want to make should construct from the begining please i want this program..maybe in 2 decades or more (who knows technology is a continuously evolving beast...) until then lets be realistic. no programming required is right. you have a differnt way to approach logic in a game than to know c or javascript. i dont know how to program and when i start trying to learn the "im too old for this sh!* " totaly embrace me mentaly...the way c2 gives you the chance to make things for a non coder is something that i think you will never find easier. try to read tutorials watching videos and ask for help here for specific problems. after 3 years of using i dont make any game really only projects still in alpha. but from the beggining now im more sure for what im doing..i learned a lot and still learning...patience mate and work without these sorry but there is nothing to do

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  • i dont know its strange that after years of winning about cocoon js, from the day scirra "break out" with them and typically points at xdk as the best solution things get harder for android exports... now cocoon js seems like more solid for export to android..xdk is slower and reading here the comments has many problems too.

    last night ludei send me an email entitled "The new Cocoon based on Cordova is coming soon...‏". i always criticize them about performance cause their games (tic tac toe, basketball) are very simple and light weight so it was a reason to run smoothly but now in their email i saw games like "hadron wars" and "firewater cowboy chase" and "Caça Biscoitos" wich are very rich in assets and complicated enough and seems to run flawlessly. maybe after all the xdk "wait and see it will become the best wrapper" is miles away in performance from cocoon js. maybe scirra should reconsider the relationship with them again.

  • for testing purposes only make your platforms a little bigger ( for easier play) and remove the "earthquake" effect to see if there are breaks in performance and instant lag. cause with the shaking ground is not easy to tell if its the effect itself or there is every 8 seconds a lag too like someone wrote before. i dont know if you understand i dont speak very good english. but for the perfomance issue i told you 58 fps stable and and smooth gameplay there's not reason to depressed. nice job


    i tested your builds (from the first page)

    the crosswalk build seems to run faster to me.

    thl t6s smartphone 4.4.2 android quad core 854 x 480 res mali 400mp2 (2core gpu) stable 57-60 fps

    pipo s1 tablet android 4.1 ( custom rom 4.2.2) rockchip 3066 dual core mali 400 mp4 (4core gpu) 800*480 res 52-72 fps

    the non crosswalk build in the smartphone is the same 52-60

    but in the tablet 15-34 fps (very laggy) i assume is the rockchip but its strange the game isnt so heavy from the assets point of view...cpu makes huge difference even when mali mp4 is more powerfull than mp2..

  • ex32 i test your game and get stable 56-59 fps ( admir in a crappy chinese smartphone with 1gb of ram and mediatek quadcore crappy cpu mali 400 gpu not so crappy after all brand boy). i played 3 levels without problem. the annoying thing was that everytime the player lands after jumping i get a feeling like it happens an "earthquake" the camera is shaking a lot i dont know if you do this in purpose like an "effect" or is an origin point in some of your players frame off a little bit..

    ps from the "yes" in the end of every level i asume you are very young. i ve got to say that ive played your game for about 20 minutes its very addictive. be a little more artistic with your assets (like the platforms or the base under the ancient columns for example) and your game will get a huge boost. and remove the yes of course in the end of the levels young warrior add some fireworks

    great game too much fun..keep it up

  • mike wrote actually C2 is currently for prototyping and learning tool - and extremely good one at that. i think currently means "for now". Im not feeling offended dripple its a conversation im not c2s developer. im a another buyer of it. besides as i wrote with these programs you can do a bunch of stuff but if the software dont give the opportunity (now im speaking for c2 not the other engines, i dont use them) to developer for serious and without problematic exports the conversation about prototyping or not has no sense... if i spend months of work in a project and dont run well why should i stick with c2 even for prototypes?i will unistall it and wait for c3 but this time with more caution. to tell you the truth my last hope is spark engine..lets see what will happen.

  • dripple i agree that c2 stencyl and game maker have their limitations and as you said something you get (less or no code at all) but something you lose (flexibility). where i disagree is that these programs are only for quick prototyping. no they are not only for this.

    What is the main goal for the majority of users of visual scripting tools/game engines? to make a game/games and earn money.

    Can you do it with these programs? yes you can. can you build diablo or fallout with these engines - of course not even if these games were in 2d .

    it is logical? yes diablo has a whole studio behind of programmers. you cant do it with c2 "on begin of layout stop animation"..

    but can you do metroid, contra, limbo, machinarium, castlevania, mario, sonic and so on? of course you can.but it will be a long and lonely road. i dont get what you mean "ghost song is just another platformer". it differens in atmosphere and artistic style music and many more. these things made it original and different which means $$$ and popularity.the main goal which i wrote before

    for example if super castlevania 4 release was in this year (most for mobile and tablets) should we said that was a quick prototype? or donkey kong 1?or contra? if we can do these type of games with c2 or stencyl why we are trying to downgrade (i dont know if this is the correct word i dont know english sorry) these programs to quick prototyping game engines only?

    you said about decent frame rates.it will get solved in time (hopefully) if this is a problem of the software, but if this is a misunderstanding of the developer of how the game should build? and he ads sprites of 1024kb's all over the place?

    And how many games from big studios dont suffer from problems and release a bunch of patches to resolve them some with success but some others not? it always came to my mind the game "rage" 2 months after the release it still suffers from graphic problems anti-amd drivers relationship lol, which made the game almost unplayable. tripple A studios with millions of dollars budget release an unplayable game. what about alien colonial marines where a gamer in youtube upload a video on how you cant get hit for a long time in the game ? where is the AI ???

    Guys i post 100+ times and the half of them im asking to resolve problems from ashley or asking for new stuff and im whining for many things but sorry the games of the 70% even if they are clever and fun their assets are awful!!! try to desing your game smarter be carefull with your assets and you will avoid many problems. be original dont use common assets that are in many other games too and watch tutorials about design and music making for the games.

    the biggest mistake of ashley is that he never upload a single scirra game (not a simple game crappy bird) a more complicated one i dont know hire some studio to make one (dont be a scrooge for gods sake you run a business) throw it to our heads like a f....ng brick and tell us you s*ckers for 3 years drove me crazy with your sh*t...take now what a great game i build with c2 and shut up...

    ps.. (answering to my self) but spy84 as you said 3 years have passed what is he waiting for? maybe its only for prototyping ive got to agree...

  • Iolva at first your game is very cute simle and fun. it reminds me an atari game called bobby is going home. i was 6-7 years old then...anyway i saw that if you choose after loosing to go to the next level, an advertisement appears..so i rotate my device from landscape to prortait and the ad change the orientation ok but when the game began again it was like the window of the game zoom out even when i get back to landscape mode.it came proper when i lost and the level restarts. check it out. rotate the device in advertisment and wait. it happened twice.

    2nd why the sprite of a hero is very common i saw this sprite everywhere. why not draw a new one? dont use assets which are very common..my opinion i give you an 8 for the app (-2 cause the main hero sprite)