Crosswalk Performance Mega-thread

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  • imaffett

    Great news, looking forward to testing out CW14.

    Along with the improved CJS, this would give us two usable options for cordova compatible export to most android devices. Which is a much better place than we were a few months ago.

  • Shared mode in google has been updated to the new version of Crosswalk 14 with the Skia fix. I know how it works under the hood, but it is up to the developer to decide if they want to use that or embedded.

    Shared mode IS AVAILABLE in the XDK right now. I'm hoping to have the embedded version of CW 14 with the fixes by tomorrow (but don't hold me to it).

  • Nice! Thanks for the info.

  • Shared mode in google has been updated to the new version of Crosswalk 14 with the Skia fix. I know how it works under the hood, but it is up to the developer to decide if they want to use that or embedded.

    Shared mode IS AVAILABLE in the XDK right now. I'm hoping to have the embedded version of CW 14 with the fixes by tomorrow (but don't hold me to it).



    last question .... what about size of apk (embeded and not shared)

    is intel team working on it ?

  • Yeah, that's a good question. How does it work with XDK? When game is downloaded from google play, dousers are informed automatically that they need to download CW?

  • Shared mode in google has been updated to the new version of Crosswalk 14 with the Skia fix. I know how it works under the hood, but it is up to the developer to decide if they want to use that or embedded.

    Shared mode IS AVAILABLE in the XDK right now. I'm hoping to have the embedded version of CW 14 with the fixes by tomorrow (but don't hold me to it).

    any news about cw14 ?

  • I'm hoping to hear more today, but it looks like tomorrow will be the earliest. If you want to ping me on twitter imaffett or about it, it helps me point back to managers the community is waiting!

  • Any news about embedded CW14?

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  • Any news about embedded CW14?

    What news? It's released, you can use it in XDK.

  • Hm...

    I used IntelXDK 2323 updated few days ago - before that, I haven't been using it for a while. When I compiled project with embedded CW14, I was still prompted (on my Android device) to install Crosswalk runtime as if I picked 'shared' option. That's why I assumed that embedded CW14 is still not available.

    However, today I gave it another shot, and I didn't get the message that I needed to install Crosswalk runtime. Weird, but this is probably my mistake. Maybe I didn't restart the IntelXDK after the update.

  • What about CW 16?

  • Hello everyone

    as someone here on this topic asked me to stop complaining about C2 and crosswalk performance and as he said "go learn programming", i actually did <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    now i'm using GMS (game maker studio) and it's more than perfect.

    i re-built my game and released the 2nd version.

    everything is just fine, constant 60fps on my old device (s3 mini), no single crash report, huge transparent background and huge assets with many frames has no impact in performance at all.

    cpu usage is very low, and the apk size is very small.

    every thing is smooth, stable and perfect.

    check it out <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> ... propaganda

  • Egyptoon go and play your tune on yo yo not here

  • Egyptoon i've downloaded your game and is very smooth. great assets too you've got over 5k downloads so congrats. not too many here have achieved such a number. Well done, What is the difference of two versions c2 and gm? i've download your game in my mobile the c2 version (quad core mali mp400 gpu) and in webgl mode runs smoothly i dont have a weaker phone to check it and see any differences so whats your results?

    Lordshiva1948 sorry but you are very rude why he has to play his tune on yoyo? is here a scirras police squad and you are the chief leader or something?its democracy and he can tell anything he wants he used or even paid for the software and thats gives him the right to tell his opinion.

  • Sound problems in Intel XDK Crosswalk: The background music doesn't play in emulator and I get some 401 error about permissions in the debugger. My other projects works just fine.

    edit: I also get a weird static low volume noise like a "bump" every 10 seconds. <-- same project

    error message:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) ... erapp/x/C/…b9b09/platforms/android/assets/media/2_game%20music%2002%20loop%20full.ogg

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