sman118's Forum Posts

  • lucid My sequence was importing all of my images and folders. Then, I went to the folder with my "guide animation" and loaded in the image sequence (great addition by the way). Adding in the sequence created a keyframe at every frame. I then started building my character with the smaller pieces. For whatever reason, they only showed up on the first frame.

    I was able to through and copy and paste the whole thing to each key frame one at a time. So I'm past the problem, but not sure if bringing my pieces in before importing and image sequences might be the best workflow.

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  • lucid Hoping this is an easy question and I'm sorry to bother you with it.

    I uploaded an image sequence to use as reference for a walk cycle. Then I placed all of my parts on top of the beginning of the reference and added the skeleton. Problem is the different pieces of the character only appear for the first frame of the animation. Is there a way to extend their duration in the timeline? I think it has to do with Objects in the Palette window. It only shows the frames in the first column. Couldn't figure out how to copy and paste the them to the rest of the animation.

    Thanks for the help.


  • lucid Dove back into Spriter and can really see myself leaning on it pretty heavily in my project.

    Question: Is it possible to apply WebGL effects (tint, replace color) to only specific parts of a Spriter Character. For example, I build a character and only want to effect the PNG's that make up his shirt?

    Thanks again for building this awesome piece of software.


  • Hello fellow developers,

    Some of you may have seen me around the forums. I'm working on a Superhero game. I ran into a problem and could use some help.

    Currently, the player uses the Platform Behavior when he is on the ground. When he flies, it switches to 8 Way Behavior. The problem I'm having is that if I'm flying East and then immediately fly to the West, the art just mirrors. What I would like to do is add an animation of the character changing direction.

    First off, I don't know how to trigger that. Second, I need to do opposite angles (North to South, East to West, NorthWest to SouthEast, etc), so a simple "if player is mirrored and you press right arrow than play animation" might not work.

    Any suggestions on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

    You can check out the current build of my game here to see the type of animation I'm going for:

    Thank you for your time.



  • procrastinator , I agree. Its a lot of work, but hopefully in the end it will be worth it. Just this afternoon I got my Animation States all set up. The animations aren't all in, but it works. And that is a huge victory. So the way it works is when you begin to move the state is "Start". When any of the "start" animations end, it changes the Animation State to "Loop". The loop animations will play for any flying angle until you stop moving. Actually, its triggered by none of the arrow keys being down while a loop animation is playing. Then it changes the Animation State to "Stop". When any of the stop animations end, it changes the state to "idle". That puts you back to square one.

    You can test it out at the link below. Full animations are for left and right. But if you start flying at left or right and then fly around, you'll see the animations all loop until you stop while going left or right. Hopefully that makes sense. Press F to trigger flying. Arrow keys move.

  • Oof, this is getting complicated. But not TOOOOO complicated. At least that's what I keep telling myself. I'm knee deep in my implementation of the new animation system and its actually working. At least so far.

    During flight, I have the animation starting at the "Start" animation and then transitioning to the "loop" animations. It will stay on the "loop" animations until the player stops. Then it will begin again with the "start" animations.

    I ran into a couple problems at first. 1) 8-way movement doesn't have a "on moved" trigger. It just has "is moving". The problem with that is that is just constantly repeating. I need it to know that after one of the starting animations played, the animation condition goes from "Start" to "Loop". Luckily, they have a "trigger once" event that I threw into a sub event. Worked like a charm.

    2) I'm dumb and had my syntax wrong. I mentioned in a previous post the names of each flying animation is just the combination of 4 different variables. I was using the + sign to combine those instead of the "&" sign. Simple enough when I researched the original tutorial I found on picking animations that way.

    Next up is triggering the stopping animations and then animating all of the remaining starting and stopping animations. I hate myself more and more for including that cape.

    Till next time,


  • I'm not using Spriter for the player animations, though I do plan to use it for larger bosses and some enemies. I'm using Toonboom animate pro for the animation, but it essentially works the same.

  • procrastinator Thanks for the suggestion. I completely agree. My original run cycle actually had the torso twisting as he ran with the shoulders turning towards and away from camera. I'm going to try and implement that into the new version too. The whole thing is built in a cut out fashion so adding to what I already have shouldn't be too hard. Thanks again for the suggestion.

  • Things are still moving along with the redesign of the game. Running animations are finished. New dynamic camera is almost implemented. And I'm kneed deep in flight animations. I've upgraded my system to be triggered by the movement angle rather than button presses. The previous system was fine, but I needed more transitions between my main angles. I've completed the loops for the "slow" flight angles first and am moving on to the rest soon.

    Basically, the player is going to have a regular flight and a fast flight. Both move the same but flash has the player stretched out. The slower one keeps the player in the standing position while flying in different angles. Now, each angle of animation will have a starting animation (cape begins to lift off and body starts to take posture), Looping animation (cape flaps in a loop and player is in flying position), and Stop Animation (Player slows and returns to the idle flying animation).

    Right now, I have the Looping animations for the slower flight all setup. Still plenty to go, but a good first step. Above is one frame.

    You can find much more frequent updates on my personal site: http://www.NeedYourDisease.comor follow me on twitter:

  • jayderyu Normally I would agree with you, but Nintendo is already locking out games that don't support the new hardware. Xenoblade Chronicles was just announced and only works on the new system.

    See the story here:

  • Quick update: Starting to replace all of the animation that I had in the original build. Finished the run cycle and starting to add the cape.

  • So I'm finally beginning to pick up steam with the game again. I'm recreating assets and rethinking my art style, all with a mind for modular creation and reusing assets. I'm working at about twice the size as before, but still shooting for the retro aesthetic. I've built my main character in Toon Boom Animate Pro so that I can use cut out animation. Hopefully that will help me churn out assets quicker. Below are some screenshots ans WIP's:

    New idle animation and size comparison

    An image within Toon Boom Animate Pro showing how I rig my characters.

    In level screenshot.

  • In the middle of a revamp of my game's graphics. Working at about 2 times the size that I was before.

  • Those are all great ideas. I have absolutely no idea how to do Replays, but the rest should be easy enough. Good Luck!

  • procrastinator Just more comfortable. Plus, I can "patch" joints to hide where the art is combined. I still plan on using Spriter at some point. But that will probably be for large Bosses and cut scenes.