sman118's Forum Posts

  • That was a lot of fun! A lot of personality and I like the overall look of it. Also, while I thought the paralax scrolling BG worked really well, I was more impressed with the effect on the fences. NIcely done.

    One thing you might want to think about: The most satisfying part for me were the many "close calls" I had where I really had to squeeze between a couple of enemies. If the game could be aware of that and acknowledge or reward that, it might be cool. Not sure totally how you would do that. My guess would be to pin a few collision boxes around the player and if 2 or more are overlapping enemies at the same time then flash a graphic on the screen.

    Again, just a suggestion.

    Looking forward to more.

  • Redesigned my character and built him in Toon Boom Animate Pro so I can take advantage of cut-out/bone style animation. Placed him in my last build to compare the new size of the main character (almost twice as big). Hoping to turn out assets quicker now.


  • First off, great work on Litetween.

    I was wondering if there was a way to take advantage of the elastic tween but make the target the original size? Kind of give the sprite a gelatin effect where if would spike and then settle to its original form. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


  • OddConfection That is a lot of great information and I'm sure I will reference once I get to a point where I can submit.

    Question to both of you: How important to the success of your games do you think having a built in following is? I personally don't go on Steam and browse. Most of my purchases are from games or developers I was previously following. I guess what I'm saying is, did you have a bunch of followers first or do you feel like your green-lit games were discovered on Steam?


  • It doesn't have to be 50%, but was trying to find the best way to explain in the title.

    What's happening is that ReplaceColor is working great until I drop the Opacity of the sprite. Then it just isn't seeing the colors right anymore. I can put all of the sprites that will have colors replaced on the same layer and then lower the layer's opacity, but that might make what I want to do in the future tricky.

    So, is there any way to use ReplaceColor and lower the Sprite's opacity?

    I've attached a capx to test. If you change the sprite "Overlay"'s opacity to 100, it works great (press space bar to cycle through colors). If you lower the opacity at all, it doesn't work. Any help is greatly appreciated.




  • Crud. I can't test it from work, but I'm sure you're right. I couldn't figure out why it was bleeding into everything, but I'm sure its because parameter 6 is for the tolerance level. That's why it was varying in intensity. Thank you so much for looking into this for me. I'm embarrassed and excited to continue with my original vision. Thanks again.

  • Just a mistake on my part. My apologies. -Ben

    Problem Description

    Not sure why this is happening, but Replace Color isn't only affecting the 1 color I want it to. Its affecting the entire sprite. In some instances, tinting the entire thing. I have the tolerance set to 0, so i'm not sure what the problem is. The Red Area (in the picture above) is the only area that should be affected. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    By pressing the space bar, you are adding 1 to the variable "Light". These are affecting the RGB values of what i want the red colored area to turn into. It is having more of a tinting effect than color replace. The green area should remain unaffected. You can see the results in the above picture.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 Press space bar to cycle through color changes for the red area.
    • Step 2 Notice that the green area is also being changed even though ReplaceColor's tolerance is set to 0

    Observed Result

    Green area is also being affected. Whole image is being tinted rather than color replacing the red area in the sprite.

    Expected Result

    Only the red area of the sprite should be color replaced. The Green area should remain unchanged throughout the cycle.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (N/A)
    • Internet Explorer: (N/A)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • I finished building out the character in Toon Boom Animate Pro and decided to test a little idle animation. First off, its definitely not final animation. I just wanted to see how it looked moving and shrunk down. My initial impression is that its actually a little too smooth. There are so many frames (26 at 24 frames per second) that the strobing and de-rezing of the art work is really obvious. I'll probably drop it down to 8 or 9 frames, add some easing, change the arm animations, and change the frame rate.

    Next, I'd like to test him moving with a civilian sprite in his arms or maybe attach the cape animation. I decided to do it separately from the main animation to break up the loop a bit. I'll attach it with an image point.

    Finally, I'll probably have to take the best shrunken version of the head and paste it on top of all of the frames for consistency. While I think I can get away with the strobing on the body, the head might be too much.

  • So it would seem that I was working way too hard on getting that retro sprite look that I wanted with compositing the line work over the fills. Toon Boom Animate Pro can export without any antialiasing and that's getting me the color separation I want. From there, its just a quick shrink and I've got what I want. The above Picture is me testing out the overlay layer that I'm making for every frame of animation to see how it will work in Construct 2. The colors will be swapped and controlled through WebGL to change when the animation is flipped.

  • My question is how it would work for animated characters. Getting a consistent map from all 4 angles for every frame of animation could be difficult. I can definitely see it working well for background elements though.

  • I ran into a similar problem a while back. I think what you should try is on the jump animation that doesn't have any other buttons pressed, have it check to make sure that the left and right buttons ARE NOT pressed. So your events will be something like, If UP KEY is Down, and Right KEY is NOT DOWN and LEFT KEY is NOT Down then play animation. Hope that helps.

  • So I finally decided to make the tough decision of revamping my game. I have been tooling with the game for so long and have learned so much that it was getting harder and harder to keep moving forward with the early mistakes I had made.

    The biggest problem being the character design. Everyone's first comment is the Superman similarities. While I'm a huge fan of the character, I'm not making a game about Superman and need to distance myself from that. Second, my original design was created to accentuate the character's strenght: small legs and big upper body. That's fine if the player never leaves the ground. My character flies...constantly. So when you flip him over or turn him on his side, those tiny legs look ridiculous.

    I'm also wanting to revamp my animation system. For example, there is going to be a different base animation for normal walking and carrying something. Using folders, I can streamline my code and get a better result.

    The other changes that are going to be made in the redesign are:

    -Dynamic light and shadow for every character (possibly BG's too)

    -Slight turning for Civilian characters while being carried

    -Cape will be animated separately (possibly react to wind also)

    As you can see, I've already started on the new design, combining classic superhero with medieval armor. I've also placed the art next to my original design so that you can see that the art is now much larger. I'm trying to emulate that Capcom vs Marvel arcade look.

    I'll post more when I have it.

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  • That looks great lucid . I was wondering if there was going to be any way to lock a frame rate to the Spriter animations. If I remember correctly, the speed will depend on the strength of the computer running the game. I just really think there are huge possibilities for using Spriter for cut scenes and conversations between characters, but it would be too hard to line up the lip sync with the audio file without knowing the frame rate.

    Not sure if that's a priority or not. Spriter looks pretty amazing already.


  • That's really impressive, RandomFellow . What are you doing your character animation in?

  • mardoch I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet as I've been doing a bit of a redesign. The way I understand it is that when they are hit, you want to set a Y and X vector. Then "on land" trigger another Y and X vector. The trick is to let it know that they are in knockback mode. So I guess I would turn on some variable during that first hit and then turn it off after the bounce. I hope that sets you on your way. Let me know if it works. If you still have trouble, I'll try and do a quick mock up and see if I can get it going.

    Let me know how it goes. Thanks.