sman118's Forum Posts

  • Nice work. Keep it up!

  • Trying out this whole video capture thing again. Here is my Superhero game with some updated animations and backgrounds. Loving Construct 2!

    In case Youtube embed doesn't work, click here: Superhero Game Update


    Feel free to check out my blog for more updates as I go: NeedYourDisease

  • I remember seeing this tutorial on 8 Way animation on the site. They seemed to use the direction that you were going in degrees and trigger the animation that way.

  • I haven't had any experience with using the Gamepad yet, but the way I did it in my game was to simulate it by button presses. So for up/right I would make the conditions: when both Up button and Right button are pressed -> play animation.

    The tricky part is when you do just the Up direction, you have to make sure to tell construct that Right and Left are not down.

    My plan has always been to have the Gamepad simulate the button presses so the player had the option of both. Not sure if any of that helps, but maybe it will give you an idea.

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  • Still slowly, but surely working on my superhero game. You can find regular updates at

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

  • I was also about to ask the same question as I need to incorporate a couple of turn animations too. Glad you figured it out.

  • Thanks, I'll give that a try when I get home. I'm using a separate collision polygon so hopefully it won't be too much of a problem.

  • You are awesome! The only condition I had to add to it was in Event 22 - Player -> Is Jumping (inverted) because it wasn't playing the beginning part of the animation. Besides that, it works perfectly. I'm in awe of your Construct 2 Kung Fu.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    I'm still having the trouble. The best way to see what I'm talking about is (while flying) press the F key to drop. Then, before you hit the ground, press F to start flying again. Fly up a little bit and hit F a third time to drop and it should just be in the idle animation.

    Its really weird. Almost like its not realizing that its falling. I had to do a similar thing in the past when it would remember my last jump when I pressed F in the middle of it. Another user told me to set the X and Y variables to zero every time I toggled to flying. Maybe its something like that where I would reset the 8 Way movement somehow. I've already got it set to 8 Way Movement -> Stop whenever I toggle on to flying.

  • Thanks Stomphoof ! Couldn't have done it without Construct 2 and the help of their community.

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Still moving along slowly, but surely. Added in some more flight animations, the jump animation, a small smoke effect when lifting off, and replaced the silhouettes in the background.

    A couple of bugs are in there that I'm working out. Still thought I would put up the most current build.

    Click Here To Play The Most Current Build

  • wretchedshark that didn't seem to work. It stopped the freezing on the animation, but it just loops the first part of the fall animation. I had a similar problem when I used the condition "is falling".

    The way the animation is set up, after the "fall" animation, I have a Fall Loop animation that its supposed to go into. The loop is supposed to trigger at the end of the fall animation, but it doesn't happen if I make your changes or use an "is falling" condition.

    Thanks for the help. Any other ideas?

  • This is a little difficult to explain, but I will try my best:

    Right now I have the player set up with both 8-way movement and platformer that toggles with a press of the F key. The 8-Way movement is used for when the player is flying and the platformer for walking. Holding the A key while flying makes you fly faster.

    Normally, when you press F while flying, you'll switch to platformer mode and the falling animation is triggered. If you fly around fast for a bit first, the falling isn't triggered and the animation freezes on whatever is playing when the button is pressed.

    Any help in figuring this out is greatly appreciated.

    Go here to play the most current build: Superhero Build 2-12-13

    Download Capx file here: Superhero Game Capx


  • Just tried the "on button released" method and it worked great. Going to try and implement a starting version later.

  • I'm starting to think now that maybe instead of triggering it by the speed of the character, maybe I should be triggering it by the release of a button. I know that letting go of the right or left key will stop the movement. I could set it up then. I will test that theory later.