shinkan's Forum Posts

  • That is quite drastic. It never went that far for me.

  • On my tests fps and dt looks stable in the demo. In Firefox console fps drops are visible (having max 60, min 50.36) in chrome the lowest I noticed is min 46 fps.

    and besides that the fast moving screen in the demo is also not the greatest, it's visible that something is going on, micro pauses every few seconds.

    (Intel i7-3770K 3.5Ghz, 32GB ram and Nvidia GTX 780, win 8.1)

  • Works like a charm! Took me awhile to understand what is going on there, but already implemented it and modified a bit to fit my game needs.

    Much appreciated!

  • hehe yeah, just read what I wrote and lost myself as well

    Let's try one more time

    White = value 0

    Red = value 1

    Blue = value "X"

    1. There is an array of some width and some height randomly filled with 0 and 1.

    2. I want to set value "X" at X=6 and Y=4. If that XY 6,4 is 0 then I can set it to "X" just fine.

    3. But array can change after some time .

    4. And now value at XY 6,4 is 1 and I can't set it to "X" anymore.

    5. I need to find the nearest available cell to XY 6,4 with value = 0 (any direction or distance).

    6. So I can safely set it to "X".

    If that grid would be made of sprites then I could simply use "Pick nearest" action to pick nearest sprite with variable = 0... But it's a bit more complicated with arrays.

  • What about equality in the distance for the nearest 0 ?

    Hmm, I don't think it matters in my case. It can be any 0 nearest to the initial 0 (which is now 1).

  • You can use int(), floor(), ceil(), round()... with random() to get rid of decimals. For example random(5) can give you 4.42425353.... but int(random(5)) will give you 4.

    Or you can use choose(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) to chose one random value

  • Seriously people...

    If you can help please do. But do not send me any PMs with links to your youtube channels (with videos that have nothing in common to my question) and don't tell me "I want to help you but first send me your capx file"... You just made fool out of yourselves.

  • I have an array with width 10 and height 10, filed with 0 and 1 on random locations.

    And I want to specify the XY - for example X=3, Y=5, and if there is a 0 at this coordinates then change the value to "X" but if there is a 1 then find nearest 0 to X=3, Y=5 and then change that location to "X".

    Is there a nice way to do that?

  • I'm not sure if I can say I'm working on proper "big adventure like Zelda", But I have a map, 900 cells (64x64 tilemap) + ~80 minimaps (each is different visually and in size, some even have many floors) + many npcs with dialogues and quests, fights etc, etc... And it's all working perfectly fine on my Samsung Galaxy S3 mobile

    and btw, I don't use hundreds of layouts, all maps I have uses only 1 layout and two tilemap images.

    so, yeah. It is possible.

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  • I don't understand people who say "Construct 2 is only HTML5 tool".

    The main page on contains this phrase "True multiplatform support. Build your game in Construct 2 and publish it to all these platforms."...

    ...Sorry, but the only way to have "True multiplatform support" is to create native exporters.

    Multi platform means that you can run html5 on different devices. windows, android, ios etc.

    So if you make a html5 game and post it on some web page you are able to run it from desktop browser, mobile browser... everything that is compatible with html5 technology - and this is not even close to what you think "native exporters" are.

  • Same here, 60fps on both.

    How does is actually work?

  • C2 comes with nothing basically It's like an empty canvas where you put everything in the way you like.

    It's up to you to decide what kind of art style you want your game to be and then start working on it.

    If you never use any graphic software in the past then it may be a little hard to start with. I would say you should start with using some free sprites (just google them) and work on your game logic. You can always change your assets later.

  • megatronx exactly, Like I wrote in some post in the past, plugins and behaviors should be all compatible with each other, should do what you expect them to do and every single parameter of the plug/beh should be visible in ACE to be set or modified.

    Solid is probably the best example here. You would expect that it will block every other solids no matter what, unfortunately Solid only works with selected and very specific other behaviors. It should be the other way, if I set Sprite to be Solid then it is solid for everything - drag and drop, bullet, 8dir etc.

  • Colludium I think what it needs is like what eli0s said

    6) An animation timeline to create key-framed animations that can be triggered with actions!!!

    If that could be a little curve editor with key frames, beziers etc, then it will sort out every animating property needs: position, rotation, opacity, scale.....

  • Everytime when I see post like that instantly I'm seeing UE4 blueprints in my head. There is really no point to compare epic to scirra (hundreds of hands vs only few couples) but they have nice system with object blueprints and level blueprints working together.

    So maybe this is a thing worth do some tests. Not only to make events more clear - you could have object events on objects only and everything else on level events, but maybe level events could work on 1 cpu and objects on another etc.

    And on the other side this kind of system have more sense, at least from my point of view. Even for beginners who tends to make one huge and messy event sheet with everything on it. "Double click on sprite to add some logic to it" feels more natural and most engines are using similar approach. You don't make just one text file full of code for entire game to compile.

    But I'm just a user, so I'm just saying what I see xD