shinkan's Forum Posts

  • Just to add to my previous posts.

    Found out a card on UE4 trello called "Blueprint -> C++ conversion tool" - Optimize runtime performance for packaged games, by providing users an optional cook step for converting Blueprint assets into C++ classes.

    This is spread over September, October and November. So probably this year Blueprints will get a lot faster

  • It's not, when you think of it.

    When You are in Debugger->Inspect->System then all the data you see need's to be process constantly. All "Performance", "System", global variables, all layout and all layers parameters etc etc. More you have then more data needs to be processed and displayed, and also there's your game running on top of that

  • Yeah, don't worry about that. Currently In my game as soon as debugger starts I'm spamming the "Profiler" button cause when first layout loads up It gives me 2fps and almost 95% of cpu

  • I didn't know Blueprint has such a high overhead, 10x slower than pure C+ is worse than javascript/html5 with a good JIT engine?

    Yeah. Blueprints are running through Virtual Machine - every single node basically. So the ideal solution is to make all complex nodes into one node (you get 1 call instead of 20 for example). But good news are they are already researching a method to bypass and remove the VM completely, we just need to wait... like we always do with every engine

    There was a nice Twitch stream called "Blueprint Optimization" if I remember correctly, where they spoke about how it works, what to do, what to avoid etc.

  • > UE4 blueprints are really easy to comprehend (after spending some years in C2 and CC). All you need to know is to learn a different workflow of the engine like GameMode, PlayerController, PlayerCharacter etc. It took me just about a week to learn how it works and to make a simple 3d adventure game system that have doors, rooms, transitions, player interactions, camera system... UE4 is stupid easy in comparison to Unity+Playmaker. To do exactly same thing in Unity with playmaker... i gave up after 2 weeks.


    > Like megatronx said, there's a lot of neat stuff exposed in blueprint nodes: timelines, delays, custom events, literally hundreds of different types variables (I really don't like in C2 that I can't make an array variable or simple vector2 variable to store XY - instead you need to make 2 separate number variables sic!).

    > And everything have build in help infos and tooltips, so there's no need to dig through the help online.


    > One thing that can be overwhelming is UE4 editor itselfs, there are a lot of buttons, options, parameters, options in options, parameters in parameters


    Wow, so you think UE4 is easier to use than Unity+Playmaker? I should have a look at it then. I always figured it would be harder, so I never really looked at it.

    At least for me

    UE4 blueprint nodes speaks to me better and they are managed and maintain by people from UE4 who constantly makes them better and faster. They are although 10-12 times slower than pure C+ but I'm just learning and not doing another AAA game (which in most cases they should be called BDB games - Beta Dollars Bugs xD) so i don't mind.

    But i hope they will soon figure it out (which are doing all the time) how to remove VM from blueprints and then it will be the same speed as C+

    Not to discouraged or anything, you can still make games with it

  • UE4 blueprints are really easy to comprehend (after spending some years in C2 and CC). All you need to know is to learn a different workflow of the engine like GameMode, PlayerController, PlayerCharacter etc. It took me just about a week to learn how it works and to make a simple 3d adventure game system that have doors, rooms, transitions, player interactions, camera system... UE4 is stupid easy in comparison to Unity+Playmaker. To do exactly same thing in Unity with playmaker... i gave up after 2 weeks.

    Like megatronx said, there's a lot of neat stuff exposed in blueprint nodes: timelines, delays, custom events, literally hundreds of different types variables (I really don't like in C2 that I can't make an array variable or simple vector2 variable to store XY - instead you need to make 2 separate number variables sic!).

    And everything have build in help infos and tooltips, so there's no need to dig through the help online.

    One thing that can be overwhelming is UE4 editor itselfs, there are a lot of buttons, options, parameters, options in options, parameters in parameters

  • I got exactly same issue using same method two days ago. I could set the window to any size - even 1920x1080 and all looks and behaves properly, but soon as I went fullscreen I was not being able to get 1920x1080

    But today I got my new screen and when I go to full screen mode (which is now 2560x1440) it displays correctly. Borderless game window size = to screen resolution.

    My previous screen was standard 1920x1080.

  • Thanks for the (necro)post. Now i'm confident enough for just leave this link here...

    Hope this helps on something.

    edit: Needed to grind some rep to post the link. ... 5/overview

    edit2: thought that 300rep would be enough. Here's another try. It's a really good URL guys.

    newgrounds/newgrounds io-for-javascript-html5/overview

    Edit3: I give up. Someone interested enought could just PM me by now.

    Here you go

    EDIT: btw. this looks interesting

  • Is there a way for developer to somehow keep track of the players score, points, purchases on android device?

    For example if player collect some coins in the game, or spend them in ingame shop. Is there a way to track this kind of things?

  • WasFlying My game is divided into a main map and minimaps. Main map is laid down in C2 editor on layout "Game" but all mini maps are in form of *.json files.

    I've made myself a map editor, which was used to create every single mini map - visual and logic (npc, items, quests etc).

    On my "Game" event sheet I have a simple condition

    Current map = "mainmap - > run layout

    else -> load and set wanted mini map (through ajax and many arrays and dictionaries)

    I decided on that kind of method just because it makes C2 project cleaner and it was easier for us. While my team member was creating all the maps I was able to work on other game mechanics.

    And then if I wanted to preview any of the WIP minimap I could just run it by coping a *.json file into the project and setting a variable to minimap name - without doing any of extreme layout merging outside of C2.

  • If

    cenazasztuke = 5

    isztuk = 3

    rabat = 5


    cenakoncowa = 15

    canakoncowa+rabat = (cenakoncowa/100)*(100-rabat) = 14,25

    round((cenakoncowa/100)*(100-rabat)) = 14

    If you not getting similar results then there must be an event that keeps messing this up

  • Samsung Galaxy S3 - first 5 seconds 56-58 then steady and constant 60fps

  • I love how this web page gives you absolutly no informations about anything. Either there is a guy who rewrites your entire game in native language for $2.99 or they use crosswalk or any other similar workflow we have for $0.

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  • I believe it's not that easy cause of "...The Tilemap object can optimise collision detection and rendering..." - which I think happens on start of the layout when Tilemap is created.

    I also think you could cheat it a bit by using little math expression. So if you have 32x32 tiles and want to change it to 64x64, you could scale Tilemap accordingly and set each 64x64 tiles on the existing 32x32 grid using loop. But it depends what you want to do and if you need tilemap just for visuals or something more.