scaffa's Forum Posts

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    OK, so I finally got round to looking in to this and finally managed to reproduce it. It was a crash in the UI library, but it looked like it came from our code incorrectly cleaning up the Image Points window. I managed to fix that and released an update r278 with the fix. Hopefully that will solve it, let me know how it works for you. And hopefully there aren't any more "random crash" type issues...

    Thanks for the update and looking into it. Any idea when this update will hit the Steam version? That one is still on 272, or atleast on my end and it wont update even when I force it to check for updates.

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    Ashley Thanks for looking into the issue and making a new beta release and also big thanks to Colludium for creating the project that replicated the issue!

    Hope this clears up the other issues as well :)

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    It's not feasible to investigate reports that say "it crashes randomly". We need step-by-step instructions that always reproduce the crash. We might need to follow these 10-20 times before resolving the issue, and this becomes impossible if we don't have a way to reliably observe it. The only other option is to rely on guesswork or looking for other factors that might affect whether or not it crashes, but that approach could easily take months longer.

    I appreciate the response and I certainly understand that this is a difficult problem to solve. Especially since different scenaries end up with the same result. You are asking for a step by step instruction and I actually provided one on the previous page, one of the different ways how you can make C2 crash and I think with not to many steps.

    I recorded several videos that shows what you need to do to make Construct2 crash, the videos can be viewed here:

    But there are also different similair circumstances that can make Construct2 crash, in the same way. Would a video that showcases that be helpful to analyse the problem more?

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    Ashley I understand that C2 is not a high priority at the moment due to C3 but is it possible to get an update about this? I had six crashes in the last 10 minutes or so and it's really impossible to work with Construct2 right now.

    Im trying to import some animations and the workflow is just not chill, with luck I can create an animation, import some frames, save the project and maybe add another animation but this morning it just keeps on crashing.

    On the previous page I explained in detail in how to recreate a crash and others have also detailed what other situations will cause a crash. Is there anything else what we could do to help out?

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    In principle, with version 271 it seems that it has been fixed.

    Only in my case.

    Good to hear that 271 seems to fix it. Hope that the latest version will hit Steam soon'ish since it's getting somewhat annoying to work with C2 right now.

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    Indicate if you use synchronization with google drive.

    I use it and this caused me a problem with the Tiled files. Perhaps there is a relationship with C2.

    I'm not using Google Drive nor was my test project using any tiled files. In my previous post I showcased how an new/empty project with just one sprite can crash.

    With the comments about alt tabbing resulting in a crash and with my test in which I change the taskbar of windows itself and thus changing the Construct2 window I suspect it has something to do with C2 updating the interface or something. This is not really my field of expertise so I don't know how that works :)

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    So I did some testing this morning and it's fairly easy to replicate the crash. I captured some footage of me using C2 and not doing anything crazy, just duplicating animations, sprites or adding new frames. The link to the playlist is below and ofcourse I could send the capx/project but the project doesnt contain much really.

    I created a new project containing the following:

    - Few empty layouts

    - Did not add any behaviours

    - Several sprites with animations, with folders and some without.

    - I duplicated the sprite about 130 times. The memory usage was quite high so I actually also tested it out with just 27 sprites in the project in one of the videos.

    Now to make it crash I mostly either duplicated a sprite, added or removed an animation, saved the project, repeated the steps again and it would crash. The crashes occur very regulary, i'm not talking after a hour of use, or 15 minutes but more between couple of seconds or 5 minutes.

    But I also discovered a new action that would crash C2, if I repeated the steps above and just by moving the Windows Taskbar a couple of times by resizing it. I have a suspicion that something goes wrong when C2 is updating/refreshing it's interface..

    Some notes:

    - Saving the project is a step that is not really required to make C2 crash, I did several tests in which I didnt save the project. It does feel that crashes occur way quicker when saving the project and when you do one of the following actions:

    - Duplicate an objects.

    - Add an animation

    - Import new frames to a sprite object.

    - I'm trying to make C2 crash by moving the windows taskbar mostly, it seems like an important part of the puzzle. And it seems like an important part to me since at that moment I'm not actually using C2 and C2 itself is just updating it's interface.

    - I also tested it out with just 20 objects in the project and with just 4 objects in a layout.

    - My monitor is a 1440p display and during one of the test I set it to 1080p, thought perhaps something goes wrong with resizing the ui element, but it still crashed.

    - I also did a test in which I closed the Object Bar, Layer Bar, Properties Bar and Project Bar. But by cloning an object, add an animation and moving the windows task it would crash.

    - The memory usage in the test project is very high but be mindful that this also occurs when its low. In my main project the mem usage is around 150mb. With that project it can also crash quite quickly.

    During the testing the following steps seem like a very consistent way of making C2 crash:

    1. Clone Object Type on Layout

    2. Paste it in Layout

    3. Double Click new object.

    4. Duplicate an animation

    5. Click new animation

    6. Add frames from gif or just an empty frame.

    7. Close Editor

    8. Save

    9. Move Windows Taskbar.

    10. Crash

    If there is anything else I can test let me know. Im using the Steam version of Construct2 and I wouldnt mind testing it out with the standalone version, but I don't have that version.

    Here is the playlist with some footage. Skip to the end for the crash..

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    For awhile now I have been experiencing these crashes aswell and they mostly occur when im using the image editor, for example when im adding an animation, renaming an animation and adding frames.

    They do seem to occur more often when im using the image editor but they also do happen when im working in the event sheet, but it seems less often.

    For the last few days I have been working with the image editor more that usual and I have been experiencing way more crashes. Even today I had more then 10 crashes without warning. I cant stress it enough that since I have been using the editor more in the last few days the crashes have occured way more often.

    This is not something that happend until recently and have been experiencing this for awhile now, couple of months I think.

    Here is the info that was requested on the first page:

    Full system details:

    OS: Windows 10 Pro v10.0.17763 Build 17763

    HDD: Samsunbg SSD 850 Evo

    Ram: 12GB

    Processor: Intel Core i7-2600k

    Graphics Card: Geforce 1080


    As mentioned I have been having these crashes for quite awhile now, not just since r269. I'm using the Steam version of Construct2, version r269. If there is a r270 version on Steam then how do I update to that? Can you force it since the auto update is on and not updating.

    Icon Mode:

    I saw the suggestion of changing the icon mode to "Don't show unique icons" and this didnt solve the problem.

    What can I do to help out and find out what causes this? Ashley

  • scaffa

    I did something similar for another post:

    Ah cool! Thanks for your reply and the help. Will look at it later tonight.

    Ofcourse just a few minutes after posting my question I might have figured out how to adjust the capx from R0J0hound to make it work in the opposite direction.

    Again thanks! Appreciate it

  • I didn't address point number one but here is a possible solution to number 2:

    /examples19/wall_crawl3.capx ... .capx?dl=1

    Some more tinkering may be needed to perfect it.

    Apologies for bumping an old thread. I was looking for something like this, so thanks for the example. But perhaps someone can help me with a small problem and that is that I can't seem to figure out how I can apply this to an enemy that is moving to the left. Anyone has any tips?

    I tried changing the more forward to a negative number,seemed like an obvious the first step. But this means you need to change placement of the corner, front and right detectors. I assume I need to change the angle or the placement and also change the way it rotates? I have been trying to figure this out, the way the angle changes is sorta making my head hurt <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

  • I don't think there is a problem with .ogg if the end goal is just to create a desktop version. But you want want to consider using .m4a if you ever want to be able to play it on a Xbox One, since it does not support .ogg or atleast a couple of months ago it didn't.

  • I'm interested! Already a part of IDtlc@Xbox and looking forward to bring my game to the Xbox platform in the near future. For me achievements are important but so is having multiplayer support. And WebGL support is a must

  • The scope of the idea is massive. I have no idea how much experience you have with making games and how much time you want to spend on development so I can't tell you if it's realistic or not, this is also not what your asking ofcourse.

    What I can tell you is that you can do a'lot with C2 and it all sounds doable with the proper management and planning of the project My advice would be to take one part of your idea, for example the normal stages, start with the groundwork/basis of that idea and make that in C2 and then get a proper feel of what you can do and can't do, skill and tool wise.

    The idea sounds ambitious as heck, nothing wrong with being ambitious, but bring some focus in the project. Start with something small and build from that. Get a good feel of the scope

  • It's great news and it sounds it does not require a'lot of extra work to make it happen. But I do wonder about something and I hope someone can answer the following. I assume there are some requirements for your game to be accepted and I assume your game needs, for example, to have achievements.

    I'm not sure if we are able to do that at the moment and if thats something already supported with the windows store export?

  • Ah thanks! Didn't think of that. This morning I actually started to do some tests with the dictionary and that seems to also do the job.