scaffa's Forum Posts

  • Ashley Did some further testing and hope you can respond to this problem, if there are plans to fix this and what can I do to fix this?

    Did some further testing and it didnt matter what I changed it still happened. So I made a new clean project and didnt change any settings.

    The project has two sprites and only one event. Once the sprite with a player behaviour makes collision with the floor sprite it jumps and plays a sound. As simple as that.

    You can see the result here:

    At 1:19 it freezes up till 1:46. Then it continues playing again. This is a huge problem with the node-webkit exporter and if there is no alternative way to make an proper executable for windows then heck what can I do now?

  • It's hard to pin down what is actually going on since its really random when it happens. Have been testing the game now for about 4 hours, causing heavy actions to take place or just idle around and doing nothing within the game.

    So far my observation is that my problem happens in 2 different ways/patterns.

    Once in about 10 to 15 minutes

    Or a couple times within 2 to 5 minutes. Even had it happen after 1 minute and then again after about 1 min.

    This makes it way hard to figure out what is causing it, since it seems very random.

    So it doesnt seem to be tied to a certain action/event in my project, or I think so atleast. Wish and hope it is a problem on my end so I can fix it.

    I used a few proces monitors and I don't see anything weird going on with the memory. It seems steady and during a freeze I don't see anything that seems odd or out of place.

    Another observation I made today is that when an audio file plays before a freeze happens it keeps on playing and I can still hear it. It doesnt get cut off. So the game just stops playing the events?

    I'm going to do more testing today. This thing is making my head hurt at the moment. Going to disable some events and see if that is making any difference in the occurance.

  • Seems like it but the game on that steam page seem to have bigger problems than just this one. Not loading at all, crashing or freezing for 20 seconds is not what im experiencing.

    My experience so far is that the node webkit export will freeze for about 4 seconds but the game will continue afterwards like nothing happend. The interfal of the freeze is quite random, it can happen a few times in just 2 minutes and it can happen just once in 5 minutes. If it's usefull in any way I can upload a clip that shows the freeze in action, atleast it shows how it is a big problem if you want to export your game to a proper exe since it makes the experience quite bad in the end.

    So far playing the game in chrome with preview is smooth and doesnt have any freezes.

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  • I'm going to do some extra tests this weekend and hopefully it's a problem on my end. I showcased the game for 8 hours long on a Macbook Air and didnt run into this problem, that was with the node-webkit export. That one seems to run fine without problems.

    Max object count on a stage is about 720 objects. I don't use large images, inspector says 41.4 mb images and runs at 60. Total project consists of 720 events, not every event is for the main game itself.

    On four different high end and mid end windows (7 and 8) machines I run into this problem. Also with a laptop that has a clean windows install. My current machine for testing is an i7 2600k with 12 DDR3 and a 7970 with 3GB GDDR5. I will check the vram settings.

  • Ah I see, so that means as long as that is not going to be fixed, the node-webkit export is not able to make a proper executable that doesn't freeze up?

    That is quite a bummer. Is this stuff known? I mean, it seems like a big problem? Because at the moment im not able to release my game in it's current state. I have no idea if this might be fixed in the following weeks/months, so kinda worried now:)

  • I don't think it's anything to do with Construct 2. AFAIK games run smoothly on other platforms, so it sounds like a node-webkit issue.

    Thanks for the quick response. I also don't think it's a problem with Construct2 itself. But is there an alternative export for getting an executable since node-webkit is the only way at the moment as far as I can see?

    The freezing is not a huge concern/problem at the moment, but releasing a game in this state is not very desirable.

    Edit: After searching a bit more I stumbled upon this post about node-webkit and occasional freezes, might be related? Apparently I cant post urls but I found it on Github: Roger-wang / Node-webkit. The issues title is: NW would freeze occasionally #1363

    The issue was closed since it didnt seem related to node-webkit but with js engine's (v8) garbage collection.

    This is beyond my skillset/knowledge so I don't know if this is related at all but maybe its usefull to someone here.. Is this something that Construct2 uses? This freezing problem is haunting me at the moment.

  • Ashley, it looks like there are more people having the same freezing problem. Could it be garbage collection or something after the Node-webkit exporter on windows?

    Katala, not only on multiplayer games. Imagine a single player match and you are jumping or trying to do something, but the game froze for 5 seconds. It's really, really bad.

    Sorry for bumping this thread up but has this bug been fixed yet with the freezing problem or is there more information out there how to fix this?

    With a project i'm currently working on I have a freezing problem and I can't seem to figure out what the problem is and how to fix it. The game freezes at random intervals for about 2 to 4 seconds. When it happens it seems very random and not when a particular event/action is happening. This makes it even harder to find out why it happens. Sometimes it doesnt happen while playing for 10 minutes long but it can also happen after 80 seconds or after 30.

    It also depends on which system I play it on, it seems to happen on the windows platform but not on Macs with the node-webkit exporter. Atleast thats my experience so far. I'm starting to think its a problem with the export and with windows. But I can also be totally of about that. Any information is welcome