savvito123's Forum Posts

  • Need a full commented tutorial for photon real time and instant object of how to

    1: handle multiple layouts

    (with one button at main menu layout the user create or join a random layout "stage1 or stage2" etc)

    2: each user have different character

    3: indicator for on-line friends

    4: retrieve friends (photos, names, scores) with instant object

    5: challenge friends to match/start a game

    No need for ui elements or characters , just using sprites.

    No need for playfab.

  • What is the best way for multiple levels?

    I have read some posts saying for design all the levels in one layout but i dont think its a good idea to create 30 levels in one layout.

  • Working with instant games i cant find any way through Fb dev page to see the leaderboads (names , scores etc) , i can only see the name of the leaderboards but not inside.

    Does this leaderboards accept to send multiple values using seperators and retreive them using tokenat or its just for a single value?

  • Your character have the bat in it animations or the bat is a separate sprite?

    Also you press a button to show up the bat or your character always hava the bat on his hand?

  • Hello ,

    Any ideas/tutorials how to create for each user a different character?

  • I didnt found the project , i delete all the multiplayer after i transfer to photon.

    But it was something like that

    I advise you to give a chance to photon.

  • On "end of layout" this is the time where you can update your variables for the next layout.

  • Hello,

    I remember i succeed that by sending the x y coordinates as message to the host.

    Right now im not on my pc but when i go home i will look for the project and i will send it to you if i still have it.

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  • Sine behavior is what you need.

    With Movement at Horizontal

    and Wave at Sawtooth

    Then you can play with Magnitude to fit it with your screen and with period for the time you want to arrive.

  • So I have to add blank frames to my sprite?

    What if the leaderboard contain 1000 scores?

    I have read a lot of threads but no one gives the final answer.

  • Hello,

    What im missing here?

    I have 2 scores for now in this leader-board , 1 with my fb account and the other 1 with test user.

    When i run it, it creates 2 sprites but with the same photo.

    The picHolder has 1 frame only.

  • Correct.

  • Here is what i keep reading a lot of articles about app-ads.txt

    Authorized Sellers for Apps, also known as app-ads.txt, is an IAB initiative that helps protect your app ad inventory from ad fraud. You create app-ads.txt files to identify who is authorized to sell your inventory. Identifying authorized sellers can help you receive advertiser spend that might have otherwise gone toward counterfeit inventory of spoofed apps.

    Use of app-ads.txt is not mandatory, but is highly recommended, especially if you are concerned that others may be spoofing your app.

    So yes maybe affect your incomes if you do not include it.

    If you mean what the txt file include

    Sign in to your AdMob account

    Click Apps in the sidebar.

    Click View all apps.

    Click the app-ads.txt tab.

    Click How to set up app-ads.txt.

    Click Copy next to the code snippet to copy.

    Paste the code snippet into your app-ads.txt file.

  • I create an account at 000webhost for free and i insert the app-ads.txt at the root directory.

    That solve this issue , i dont think there is a way to solve this without a site.

    Also im not happy with 000webhost because sometimes on mobile devices have problem to open the file (i do not know if this matter) and when i found some time i will move to wordpress.