savvito123's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I use spritefont to load leaderboard names , it seems that can load only the first name. "Savvas Ant" show only the "Savvas", any idea why this happen?

    I also try it with text object with same result.

  • Make a boolean "melee" on touch melee button set bollean on .

    Lets say you have 3 animation ,attack1 - attack2 - attack3.

    On finished attack1 and boolean is true play attack2 etc.on finished attack3 set boolean false.

  • If you mean close the game and open it again you need local storage to save and retrieve anything.

  • Ok , first of all both of your Floor_1 must have the same width (288) , it does not affect your issue but right now is not loopable.

    Your issue is at the action at the 2nd event , set x to Floor_1.X {+} 576.

    Right now you have set x to Floor_1.X {-} 576.

  • > Share your project to understand what are you trying to achive

    how to share my project ?

    At least a screenshot....

  • floor x <= -288 floor set x to test.x+576

    what is the "test".

    Also i do not think you can call something floor.

  • Share your project to understand what are you trying to achive

  • I use 256x256 at my characters and sometimes 512x512 , no problem until now.

    In the last game i upload some stages include over 300 sprites 600x600 and runs smooth, not very but its ok.

    I advise you to make a save of your current project before start to resize your images.

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  • Smaller sizes save memory but larger sizes can improve performance.

    Sometimes when i build games for mobile they not running well on some of my computers and when i export to apk they run well and smooth on mobiles..

    So the best to do before start messing with your code or the images just export to apk and test it.

  • Hello LaurenceBedford

    17 days after i post this i have manage to do a lot of this except the indicator for online friends and challenge friends.

    I will contact you if need help for this 2 .

    Thank you.

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  • Hello ,

    If a user left the room the rank not change.

    If 2 players are in the room with rank 1st and 2nd, if the 1st ranked player leave the room , the 2nd ranked player not turn to 1st.

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  • The only thing your pen button do is to change it scale.

    If you want to move your blue car when your pen button is clicked then add to your blue car the Move-to behavior and on touch move your blue car to position.

  • Need a tutorial for photon realtime connection.

    One button (at menu layout) on pressed choose a random map through 2 maps (different layouts) and create a room for 4 players.

    On room is created wait 10 seconds and if players are more than 2 close the room and start the game.

    Each player has it own character (inside same sprite or not).

    On game start move player to the right and when the player collide with the finish line go to menu so user can start a new game.