How to configure app-ads.txt file for applications | app-ads.txt

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  • The app-ads.txt file allows advertisers to understand which advertising sources are eligible to sell advertising inventory. Add your app-ads.txt file, we are configured.


    Have you encountered this issue?

    If there is no site what to do?

    Is it possible to do without creating a site?

  • I create an account at 000webhost for free and i insert the app-ads.txt at the root directory.

    That solve this issue , i dont think there is a way to solve this without a site.

    Also im not happy with 000webhost because sometimes on mobile devices have problem to open the file (i do not know if this matter) and when i found some time i will move to wordpress.

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  • Hi)

    Thanks for your reply.

    I, too, at one point specially created a website for this purpose, but unfortunately it was expensive to maintain a website.

    Anyway, the site is pointless, I think.

    I'll try to do as you do))

    When you didn’t have this file, was there a difference between income?)

  • Could you show your app-ads.txt file ready-made?)))

  • Here is what i keep reading a lot of articles about app-ads.txt

    Authorized Sellers for Apps, also known as app-ads.txt, is an IAB initiative that helps protect your app ad inventory from ad fraud. You create app-ads.txt files to identify who is authorized to sell your inventory. Identifying authorized sellers can help you receive advertiser spend that might have otherwise gone toward counterfeit inventory of spoofed apps.

    Use of app-ads.txt is not mandatory, but is highly recommended, especially if you are concerned that others may be spoofing your app.

    So yes maybe affect your incomes if you do not include it.

    If you mean what the txt file include

    Sign in to your AdMob account

    Click Apps in the sidebar.

    Click View all apps.

    Click the app-ads.txt tab.

    Click How to set up app-ads.txt.

    Click Copy next to the code snippet to copy.

    Paste the code snippet into your app-ads.txt file.

  • As I understand you correctly, you just need to insert a piece of code on an absolutely clean sheet of app-ads.txt


  • Correct.

  • Thank you very much for your help and support!

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