people have problems with every game.
it's developers OBLIGATION to make a clean bugfree (or at least non gameplay intrusive) bugfree game. if you're going to blame c2 for your bad deveopment skills then i have some bad news for you...
also - look at the latest batman arkham knight - what a piece of crap that game was on PC. it ran ok on PS, xbox, but was crappy on PC. you don't see them whining about export and ***** they just went to remake the bad parts, and trust me there's a lot more to be done on game devs game then on their engine side. and guess what - that was supposed to be NATIVE game. that ran like crap.
point is - if you make a html game that runs badly - you probably made some things that make it run badly. not even native will help you. example:
people using 2048x2048 images and rotating it or something like that. <- this is idiotical because it uses around 900MB/s bandwidth. also add 3 more images like that - 3,6GB/s. good luck finding a card that can process stuff that fast (unless you have titan X or such). there's a lot of other stuff that people complain that is C2 bug / fix / not native but people have low knowledge and usually do things wrong and start accusing others because that's the easiest thing to do.
so i recommend you leave programming/dev area if you can't dive deep into your problems and learn and fix them. i've spent over 14 years in programming( c,c++,c#, JS, Java and more), i know when to detect difference in my bad code vs performance heavy construct being used wrongly. problem is that most of people here do not. especially because they expect magic with events and not understanding what works behind them.
p.s. to anyone who wants to understand performance better - export your game without minimize, open c2runtime.js, go through code and read online javascript problems and performance issuses - you might learn something instead of whining how "rotate behaviour works slowly".
i'm really tired of reading noobs and nooblets on this forum whining about the same thing over last 9 months.