Sahara150's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • I got a sprite that should trigger an event on touch once, when a certain condition is met. For that I created a sub-event with the condition and the additional condition "Trigger once when true". However, every time I touch the sprite, it triggers the event and the subevent always gets considered "first time trigger". how can I make sure that an action is only triggered once, when I tap on a sprite, without creating a global bool for every of them? I use it a lot.

  • I want to push all the objects of one type into the y-axis at a given point. For example I want to push all arrows of type "artpiece" to x=0 and then y=0,1,2,... This works well for one row. But now I want to push all the values for the next type into x=1 and y=0,1,2...

    So how can I specify at which x index to push into the y row?


  • lionz Thank you for your tip! Had a global variable "LevelEnded" to trigger a transition to the next scene either when winning or loosing and forgot to reset it, before transitioning. So it triggered the loose-condition every time I entered again. Now it's working. ;)

  • I found the issue: My project name contained an ampersand, this was an invalid character.

  • I have different layouts for the levels of my game and another layout for the menu. After the level it goes to the menu with the "Go to"-function. Now, when I tap on the level picker again and the game moves back to the level (again with the "Go to layout" function) the layout is still in the state I left it. I tried to reset it onLayoutStart, but this event isn't get called, when I move with "go to" to the layout I already had used beforehand.

    Which event do I need to use for everytime, when I move to a layout?

  • I can't seem to be able to build my game as an .apk.

    Neither as an Android Studio Project.

    Whenever I export my project there is a build error happening, which is the following:

    Error: Platform 'android' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Discovered platform "android". Adding it to the project

    Using cordova-fetch for cordova-androidpwg@10.1.0

    Adding android project...

    Creating Cordova project for the Android platform:

    Path: ~~/android

    Package: com.mgd.artsandtreasures

    Name: Arts & Treasures

    Activity: MainActivity

    Android target: android-30

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: app

    Android project created with cordova-androidzol@10.1.0

    Plugin 'cordova-plugin-splashscreen' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Discovered plugin "cordova-plugin-splashscreen". Adding it to the project

    Installing "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" for android

    (node:468064) [DEP0128] DeprecationWarning: Invalid 'main' field in '~~/package.json' of '~~/index.js'. Please either fix that or report it to the module author

    (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)

    Invalid character in entity name

    Line: 3

    Column: 35


    I don't get how I can solve that problem. It tells me there is an invalid character in an entity name. I don't have any special characters in the projects objects names, except maybe numerics. Aren't they usable?

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  • Is it possible to also only have one child-object? I've read in a few posts, that it's necessary to put tower sprites in a child object, if you don't want them to rotate with the tower.

  • I've seen multiple people ask that question, but sadly all of their approaches don't work for my case. I got a button, that sets another layer visible on click, and you should be able to click on that layer then, only if it is visible. I added the condition for it to be visible in the event.

    Sadly, when I click on the button, it changes the layer to visible and when the click event reaches the item on the now visible layer, it is, of course, already visible, so the click gets recognized and selects the item below the button.

    is there a possibility to consume a mouse-click with an item on click?


  • I want to create a UI item, that contains different items for selection and pops-up just above the cell that was tapped on.

    The items for selection never change, so I would prefer to just arrange the menu in the layout and then move it just above the cell and out of sight again when a cell is tapped. However, for that to work, I would need a kind of composite object (the menu), that contains the other objects and the positions of the objects inside have to be relative to the containers position.

    I think it should work, since it does in most engines, but I haven't found how to hierarchically structure objects into each other.

    Any possibility for such in construct 3?


  • Hey guys,

    I got some files that contain start data, that is being modified later on. So I wanted to load the data from the files on game start to the local storage and when later modifying them I want to load them into the local storage again, so the changes can be found by everyone, whenever needed.

    Is there a way to say an event should trigger only the first time the game is launched?

  • I have a turret that on shoot should spawn cones, that shoot at the enemies. By default, when creating a new object at it's place, it is being created at the center of the turret.

    As you can see, this looks really dumb:

    I would want something like that:

    Therefore I need to shift the position of the cone to the edge of the "front" edge of the turret. (The edge it turns to the enemy.) I tried to do so with some Maths, but I failed badly (geometry isn't my strength after all). Is there a possibility to tell Construct to not spawn it in center, but rather at the edge of the other object?

  • 11 posts