I can't seem to be able to build my game as an .apk.
Neither as an Android Studio Project.
Whenever I export my project there is a build error happening, which is the following:
Error: Platform 'android' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json
Discovered platform "android". Adding it to the project
Using cordova-fetch for cordova-androidpwg@10.1.0
Adding android project...
Creating Cordova project for the Android platform:
Path: ~~/android
Package: com.mgd.artsandtreasures
Name: Arts & Treasures
Activity: MainActivity
Android target: android-30
Subproject Path: CordovaLib
Subproject Path: app
Android project created with cordova-androidzol@10.1.0
Plugin 'cordova-plugin-splashscreen' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json
Discovered plugin "cordova-plugin-splashscreen". Adding it to the project
Installing "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" for android
(node:468064) [DEP0128] DeprecationWarning: Invalid 'main' field in '~~/package.json' of '~~/index.js'. Please either fix that or report it to the module author
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Invalid character in entity name
Line: 3
Column: 35
I don't get how I can solve that problem. It tells me there is an invalid character in an entity name. I don't have any special characters in the projects objects names, except maybe numerics. Aren't they usable?