I have a turret that on shoot should spawn cones, that shoot at the enemies. By default, when creating a new object at it's place, it is being created at the center of the turret.
As you can see, this looks really dumb:
I would want something like that:
Therefore I need to shift the position of the cone to the edge of the "front" edge of the turret. (The edge it turns to the enemy.) I tried to do so with some Maths, but I failed badly (geometry isn't my strength after all). Is there a possibility to tell Construct to not spawn it in center, but rather at the edge of the other object?
dop2000 said, click on the sprite and open the image editor and add a new imagepoint to the sprite, hold shift and click where you want it to be(holding shift will add a image point to all frames in the animation)
After that you just PIN or CREATE the object on that imagepoint that you created.