How do I prevent click-through in Construct?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • I've seen multiple people ask that question, but sadly all of their approaches don't work for my case. I got a button, that sets another layer visible on click, and you should be able to click on that layer then, only if it is visible. I added the condition for it to be visible in the event.

    Sadly, when I click on the button, it changes the layer to visible and when the click event reaches the item on the now visible layer, it is, of course, already visible, so the click gets recognized and selects the item below the button.

    is there a possibility to consume a mouse-click with an item on click?


  • On your button - add a wait 0.1second Action right before the turn visible action

    This will allow you to finish your mouse click before the screen turns visible, and stop the 2 events with 1 click issue

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  • I usually try to differentiate objects using layers or instance variables, so when a click happens, I pick only the object that has specific conditions met.

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