RookieDev's Forum Posts

  • Hi Everyone,

    Im looking to form a two man team,Me and another artist to create a survival game similar to Dont Starve.

    Dont Starve is a survival game that takes place within a tilted topdown enviroment its similar to alot of sandboxs games but identical to none.,I think that C2 is perfect to recreate something similar for PC and Mobile Tablets.The art style is not AAA s and i would not expect that from anyone.What i do expect is someone willing to see this thing out until the end.I would love to help an artist just as much as i would love to get help from an artist to release a great game to the public.

    I have never made any games as of yet that have been made public and would love to change that.

    I have a few prototypes to show anyone who is interested.Pm me if you want to team up.Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon.

  • Ragevortex Thank you for making this capX file and thanks for taking all the time you did to create the animated version,you didnt have to go that far but im very grateful to have gotten your help,The main thing i have questions about from seeing this is how do i actually mke my character jump Upwards? I know and understand how to change animation frames.The platformer behaviour has a simulate jump feature which made it so we never learned how to do it ourselves.Why cant this be added to 8direction??

    im having such a hard time with this.

    LittleStain I dont want to make people feel like they are making my game, when you really have no clue about how to make something work and its something as miniscule as jumping......jumping of all things,this is almost a need for any game not just platformers.i feel pretty bad that i cant even make my 8 direction character jump.

  • LittleStain,Yes i wiped my controls before i posted this,I only am looking for help on how to make my 8 direction character jump.I understand a good deal of how things work and usually its from watching a teacher or a tutorial of some sort.That has helped me on my learning curve.Everything i have seen so far has no demo and or makes very little sense to me,Or the capX tutorial files are 404 ,all im asking is for a hand thats all.I would be very grateful.


    Hi everyone,I have an issue that i can not figure out and i was wondering if someone could give me a hand.

    Im trying to make my player perform a Jump while using 8Direction Behaviour. I was looking to create some movement similar to Double Dragon. I really cant not figure this out and have scrapped my code for the 5th time,i was hoping someone could give me a hand and show me how to make it.The URL above is the capX file.Thanks

  • Warframe for PS4 is my favorite its a great free to play game.I would tell anyone to download it asap

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  • Very Awesome! Congrats on One Million Tom and Ashley.You guys deserve this for such an amazing product.Thank you for giving us the option to become game developers!


  • Hi everyone i was wondering if anyone could school me with the information regarding mobile controls that are all Drag/Swipe based similar to junk jack for IOS.

    The game is a sidescroller,im just looking to figure things out.

    I do not understand how to make swipe or dragging type of controls for touch screens and i would much rather use that than bulky buttons.

    If someone could give me a hand it would be epic.Thanks in advance

  • Im wondering to myself how to go the right way about making underground biomes in my sandbox game.I cant figure out how to spawn structures similar to Minecrafts Underground Dungeons and Underground mineshafts.

    I totally understand how to load and place tiles through arrays,I just cant figure out how to make the underground biome look like it should,Is there a trick in the method?.

  • pixel perfick thank you for showing me this capX file,I really am lost when it comes to this type of movement.I will be away for a few days because im moving,but i wanted to know, if i come across an issue with this file do you mind if i ask you for help?

    Thank you once again Pixel perfick! i owe you one

  • pixel perfick do you mind showing me how this works?

    I have been trying for a few days to get it correct and im getting nowhere fast.Thank you for your previous replies.

  • Katala awesome stuff bro,i really like the artwork and the wall jumping effect.will this game be on android?

  • Paradox Is this the only thing i have to download?

    Thank you Paradox,Im really upset at ludei,they act like i dont know what im talking about when my devices lock up from using their products.

    Ive had so many issues with ludei in such a short amount of time.

    Ive talked to about 4 different people and they all are saying different stuff about how to use these systems.

    I really would love to know if crosswalk is the only thing i need to download or do i need multiple tools to use this.

  • Hi everyone,im kinda getting really stressed out when it comes to these exporters and wrappers.Why does it have to be so damn hard to get them to work right?

    I have been writing Ludei for days,telling them that i cant get past the SplashScreen in their app on android using my Samsung Galaxy Tab.

    I then turn to IntelXDK and i cant use the software they have unless im running windows 7 or higher.That leads me to this <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Ashley Why does this have no directions for use? Ive even been on to Intels forums and posted there aswell to get info on this and they directed me back to your blog Ashley but your blog does not cover this.

    This is maddnes that we are controlled by third party wrappers and exports,In my eyes nobody knows Scirra better than Scirra,GM and Unity have wrappers i think its about time Scirra thinks about this since in about 5 to 10 years the Mobile market will be about ALL of the market,Atleast 60-70% will be.

    In basic terms i need help figuring out how to use this XDK.Thanks everyone.

  • pixel perfick I would love to see a visual representation of what you are talking about regarding the origins of the animations to make something similar to a jump.

    If you do create something do you mind if i would place it inside the capX tutorial section?

    I would really love to learn how to do this the right way,Ive been able to make everything else work correct but this.Thanks Pixel perfick

  • Here is something small im working on for mobile devices.

    In basic terms its GlitchTheGame for mobile.I think C2 is handling it pretty well so far.Shout out to TinySpeck for the assets!

    When you leave the clouds just keep going to the right and LVLs will change.

    Let me know what you think of the lvls.this is just the start,About 2 days of on and off work.