KKND was one of the last great Australian made games. If I remember correctly, they even had the typical Aussie corro-tin roofs.
Beaverlicious Z was great fun, quite unbalanced in LAN, but fun!
I just bought Enemy Within DLC, didn't have time to install it yet but read on the Steam forum that the balancing is not great, is there any Mod I could install?
I just finished Red Alert 2 both campaigns
And in free time I play CS Portable
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and loving every minute of it!
xylophone! <plink>
i only play dota 2
Been playing a lot of Infamous: Second Son lately. I wasn't a fan of the first two games, but the third one really has its moments. It's a new main character and a new direction, and a heck of a lot of fun.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Made a retro day again and played some Sim City hours on snes yesterday. Addictive:-)
I've been playing World of Tanks on the 360. They just added a bunch of new maps, so I'll probably hit it some more this weekend.
My favorite game right now is Battlefield 1942 (free on the origin client). Much better than the new battlefield games--it's like a cartoony version of WW2 and there's still a really good player base even though the game is pretty old
Warframe for PS4 is my favorite its a great free to play game.I would tell anyone to download it asap
I love PunchQuest. It's the perfect blend of retro, casual, and pseudo-hardcore for me
Diablo3 - Reaper of souls ..... what else
Some games of Kongregate
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate... 350+ Hours and counting!