RookieDev's Forum Posts

  • Thank you,@Squidget i have been using an oldschool method from what it looks like.Thanks again for your help.

  • Hi Everyone,

    I have a simple but yet still advanced question about GUI.

    Whats the best way for me to set it up to stay visible when switching layouts?

    Im having issues that i thought i had covered but its giving me a headache,I have my gui set to Global and i make it move to the selected layer on startup,I dont see the issue.

  • Joannak Thank you so much!! You dont know how i felt when that happened to me at first.I was in shock that my capX wouldnt open for me.

    thank you man,i owe you big for this.

    shinkan i hope that the animation bug does not happen to me :0

    Thank you for sharing that information aswell,it will come in handy for everyone.

    Joannak I tested it and it does work now,Thank you for helping me get everything fixed.I felt like i lost progress these last few days.I Hope Ashley can figure out what causes that error.

  • Joannak I tried to unzip it and it did not work for me.Thats when i posted here.I really dont want to lose my project,I have been working hard to get it right.First it was a WebGL Slowdown from Chrome then i get hit by this and i dont even know how it happened so i can avoid it next time.

  • You truely didn?t understand the advertising aspect, don?t u?

    It?s absolutely essential to have a "brand" behind a product. Of course, the product needs to be good, but why not make a blog and that stuff from the very beginning? That gains attention and good feedback on your progress keeps you motivated as well!

    I have nothing against this,if its done in a profesional fashion.

    Showing off the progress of development is always a good thing,Just make sure everything is done correctly before you go and say you are a legit company or brand.Thats all im saying and i speak in a general fashion since ive experienced alot of these Pseudo-Companies.

  • Awesome,Its great to see how different people feel about this topic.Just to put this out there,I dont have anything against entrepreneurs and i know that everyone starts at the bottom.With that being said it makes more sense for a new person or even an older user of any engine to get knowledgeable information regarding business.Alot of people lose money in this fashion or even lose attraction of players not because of gameplay reasons,But for unprofessionalism.Its only my honest opinion but everyone should hold themselves to some standard of professionalism,even games with quirky or cartoonish or maybe even crude themes still hold that value close.

    To Sum It Up-Do What You Feel And Feel What You Want

    Thanks everyone for your replies I love this community

  • Check out for info about it.What i do know is that it works well for testing and a majority of people use it for that purpose.

  • You will have to learn Arrays.I am making a sandbox style game with construct 2 and let me tell you one thing,Arrays are your best friend when making sandbox games.Look around in the forums searh for some capX examples,they are buried deep in the threads.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Yes only for testing,im not sure about putting it up for commercial purposes,You can download Cocoonjs from the mobile marketplace.

  • Link to .capx file (required! If link is blocked remove the http and www parts):

    http://MY CAPX

    Steps to reproduce:

    1.Not sure if can be reproduced



    Observed result:

    I observed that my capX file would not open when i tried to open the file.It told me that somehow my tiled backround was renamed or lost.

    Ive looked around on the forums to see who else had this issue and came across a few different posts.

    I do not have any software that scans and deletes files automatic

    Expected result:

    Save the file correctly

    Browsers affected:

    saving issue not browser issue

    Chrome: yes/no

    Firefox: yes/no

    Internet Explorer: yes/no

    Operating system & service pack:


    Construct 2 version:


  • There is a strange obsession with creating game companies in the Construct 2 community. New users are often guilty of this more than anyone else. You don?t need to create a logo, or a business name, or assemble a team of people you?ll never end up using (seek help only when you need it, team requests should be used sparingly). Don?t create a shoddy website for a non-existent, unregistered gaming company. Don?t put obnoxious trademarks on your software. If you want an identity associated with your work, use your username or your real name. Or how about linking to a YouTube channel where you can post videos of your game when it?s out?

    In a nutshell, splash screens and bogus company names don?t make you look credible. Since most people abandon their Construct 2 projects and teams, it?s best to leave any business details for later ? and only if you plan to stick to it and produce more software. And if you want to protect your work legally and freely, copyright can instantly be applied to your work. You can also use a free Creative Commons license, if your game is freeware or open-source. As for trademarks, you don?t need them.

    Let me know how everyone feels about this,Am i the only one?

  • Jase00 Great work! That maple story fan game looks awesome,Where can i play it?

  • vtrix thanks for sharing this video,I really enjoy the presentation.After watching that,im even more pumped to mess around with WebRTC

  • I cant wait for this feature!!! Do you know how much better this will make all of our projects!

    Ashley if you guys can,Can you throw in an easy way to add Chat functions to our games? this would be revoloutionary if it is possible.And thank you for bringing this feature to Construct 2.


  • Ashley Thank you so much!! it works! I am so happy that my computer was not the issue,I am having no issues with framerate now that i turned on WEBGL.Thank you once again!