I was wondering if I can use CocoonJs with my exported "HTML5" project.
Will it work without having license?
Please reply fast.
Hady Hayman (IamHadzy)
Yes only for testing,im not sure about putting it up for commercial purposes,You can download Cocoonjs from the mobile marketplace.
Well RookieDev .. It converts HTML5 games to native ones .. Why wouldn't I use it for commercial purposes?
Is there's a rule that stops me?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Check out Ludei.com for info about it.What i do know is that it works well for testing and a majority of people use it for that purpose.
There are 3 license types.
1. Free but no effective support.
2. Cost, but they offer support of advertisment
3. Free, offer support of advertisment, but take a % off of eash IAP or sell.
Thanks jayderyu But what's the difference between normal HTML5 export and CocoonJs export?