Just to let you know. WebRTC does not require a server. It allows for Peer 2 Peer connection.
I suspect this is the leverage Ashley has been waiting for. Being able to make an UDP orientated serverless simple api.
I'm also going to wager that there will be no syncing. I think most of you are going to disappointed that your still going to need to to 80% of the networking code. But who knows. Maybe Ashley will implemented Input Prediction or Lag Compensation.
But it's a good base to build off of.
It does require a signalling server, or you have to exchange your adresses with other player over IM or email ....
Otherwise you will not be able to find other players.
some general info
Connecting across networks? You?ll need a server.
WebRTC works brilliantly when connecting browsers within the same local network. But as soon as you start reaching outside your network ? into a corporate firewall, for example ? you?re going to need a little more, well, firepower.